Translation of the song Non capiva che l'amavo artist Paolo Meneguzzi
Non capiva che l'amavo
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
Qui seduto sul letto ripenso a noi
Sitting on my bed, I think back on us
A quei giorni che il vento ha portato via
To those days blown away by the wind
Quante sere passate allo stesso bar
So many nights spent at the same bar
Con gli amici che adesso non vedo più
I don't hang out with my old friends anymore
Il suo sguardo era luce negli occhi miei
Her gaze was the light of my life
La sua voce era un suono dolcissimo
Her voice was the sweetest sound
Quante volte ho pensato di dirglielo
I thought about telling her so many times
Quante volte ho creduto di farcela
I thought about making it happen so many times
Ore in macchina a parlare sotto casa sua
Hours spent talking in the car outside her place
Si rideva, si scherzava e non capiva che…
We'd laugh, we'd play around and she wouldn't realize...
Non capiva che l'amavo
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
E ogni volta che soffriva io soffrivo
And every time she'd hurt, I'd hurt
Quante notti ho pianto senza dire niente
I'd cry myself to sleep without making a sound for so many nights
Perché, perché, perché, perché…
Because, because, because, because...
Non capiva che l'amavo
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
E ogni volta che non c'era io morivo
And every time she wasn't there I would die
Quante notti ho pianto senza fare niente
I'd cry myself to sleep without doing a thing for so many nights
E mi nascondevo all'ombra di un sorriso
And I'd hide behind the shadow of a smile
Non capiva che l'amavo
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
Il ricordo è una lama nell'anima
Remembering this, a blade pierces my soul
Un dolore che brucia senza pietà
The kind of pain that is relentless in its burning
Il suo nome vivrà nell'eternità
Her name shall live forevermore
Come un segno profondo e indelebile
A deep mark, everlasting
Ore e ore a soffocare tutto dentro me
I would spend so many hours keeping all that bottled up inside
Mi parlava, mi guardava e non capiva che…
She'd talk to me, she'd look at me and she wouldn't realize that...
Non capiva che l'amavo
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
E ogni volta che soffriva io soffrivo
And every time she'd hurt, I'd hurt
Quante notti ho pianto senza dire niente, fare niente
I'd cry myself to sleep for so many nights, saying nothing, doing nothing...
Perché, perché, perché…
Because, because, because...
Non capiva che l'amavo
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
E ogni volta che non c'era io impazzivo
And every time she wasn't there I would go crazy
Quante volte ho fatto finta inutilmente
I have been pretending for so long
E mi nascondevo all'ombra di un sorriso
I have been hiding behind the shadow of a smile
Non capiva che l'amavo
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
Non capiva che l'amavo
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
Non capiva che l'amavo
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
E ogni volta che non c'era io impazzivo
And every time she wasn't there I would go crazy
Quante volte ho fatto finta inutilmente
I have been pretending for so long
Non capiva che l'amavo
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
Non capiva che l'amavo
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her
Non capiva che l'amavo...
She wouldn't realize I was in love with her...