Translation of the song Ek Wens Elke Dag Was Kersfees artist ADAM (South Africa)


Ek Wens Elke Dag Was Kersfees

English translation

I Wish Every Day Was Christmas

Ek krap in die kas vir die mooiste papier

I take the most beautiful paper from the cupboard

Bind dit toe met n lint om dit te versier

I bind it with a ribbon to decorate it

Want die dag kom net een keer per jaar

Because this day comes only once a year

Daarom doen ek die spesiaal net vir haar

So I do this special thing for her

Want vandag is dit weer Kersfees

Because today it's Christmas again

Al die liggies wat so brand

All the lights are burning

Daar’s hoop en vrede op aarde

There's hope and piece on the earth

Al is dit net vir vanaand

Even if it's only for today

Want dit voel vir my soos Kersfees

Because for me it feels like Christmas

Met jou hier aan my hand

With you here on my hand

Ons sien die Suider-Kruis wat skyn

We see the Southern Cross wshining

Ons liefde vat weer vlam

Our love takes its flames again

Ons familie bid weer saam

Our family is praying together again

Dis mos waaroor Kersfees gaan

That's what Christmas is all about

Ek wens elke dag was Kersfees want dan

I wish every day was Christmas, because then

Elke, dag van ons lewe, is ons saam

We would be together in every day of our lives

Al ons stemme weergalm deur die vuur

Our voices echo through the fire

Ma en pa en my geliefdes is ook hier

Mum and Dad and all my loved ones are here

Die branders breek so sag met die koms van die gety

The waves break so softly with the arrival of the tide

Mag die aand vir ewig by ons bly

The evening might stay with us forever

Want vandag is dit weer Kersfees

Because today it's Christmas again

Al die liggies wat so brand

All the lights are burning

Daar’s hoop en vrede op aarde

There's hope and piece on the earth

Al is dit net vir vanaand

Even if it's only for today

Want dit voel vir my soos Kersfees

Because for me it feels like Christmas

Met jou hier aan my hand

With you here on my hand

Ons sien die Suider-Kruis wat skyn

We see the Southern Cross wshining

Ons liefde vat weer vlam

Our love takes its flames again

Ons familie bid weer saam

Our family is praying together again

Dis mos waaroor Kersfees gaan

That's what Christmas is all about

Ek wens elke dag was Kersfees want dan

I wish every day was Christmas, because then

Elke, dag van ons lewe, is ons saam

We would be together in every day of our lives

Ek wens dat elke mens,

I wish that everyone's eyes

Se oe oop sal gaan

open up

En weet U’s gebore

And that everyone know that

Eeue trug, op hierdie aand

He was born, centuries back, on this night

Want vandag is dit weer Kersfees

Because today it's Christmas again

Al die liggies wat so brand

All the lights are burning

Daar’s hoop en vrede op aarde

There's hope and piece on the earth

Al is dit net vir vanaand

Even if it's only for today

Want dit voel vir my soos Kersfees

Because for me it feels like Christmas

Met jou hier aan my hand

With you here on my hand

Ons sien die Suider-Kruis wat skyn

We see the Southern Cross wshining

Ons liefde vat weer vlam

Our love takes its flames again

Ons familie bid weer saam

Our family is praying together again

Dis mos waaroor Kersfees gaan

That's what Christmas is all about

Ek wens elke dag was Kersfees want dan

I wish every day was Christmas, because then

Elke, dag van ons lewe, is ons saam

We would be together in every day of our lives

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