Translation of the song Haar Vuur artist ADAM (South Africa)


Haar Vuur

English translation

Her Fire

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Haar vuur nooit sal ophou brand

Her fire will never stop burning

Die vlam brand wild in haar hart, al is jy jonk

The fire burns wildly in her hart when she is young

Maar soos die jare aanstap, word sy gewond

But as the years pass, she becomes wounded

En soos die druk net net bly bou

And as the pressure keeps growing,

Maak dit haar lig skielik dof

It makes her light suddenly faint

Brand die vuur nog daar?

Is the fire still burning there?

Daar bly 'n vonk in haar oë, sy't net vergeet

There is still spark in her eyes, she'd just forgotten

Onmoontlik is net 'n woord, maar haar haart weet

Impossible remains just a word, but her heart knows that

Sy't haarself vinnig verloor,

She lost herself for a bit

Maar nie vir lank nie, nee

But not for long, no

Want die vuur is daar

Because the fire is there

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Sy's dogter, ma en vrou

She's daughter, mum and wife

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Sterker as enige ou

Stronger than any guy

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Met swaarde in haar hand

With swords in her hand

Breek sy die kettings

She breaks the chains

Sy's Joan of Arc in haar hart

She's Joan of Arc in her heart

Hey Ya, haar vuur nooit sal ophou brand

Hey Ya, her heart will never stop burning

Hey Ya, haar vuur nooit sal ophou brand

Hey Ya, her heart will never stop burning

Die wêreld wil haar inperk, en sê wat's reg

The world forces limits on her and it says what's right

Sy's Cleopatra, sy's sterk, en sy sal veg

She's Cleopatra, she's strong and she will fight

Rooi lippe wys net haar vuur

Her red lips show just her fire

Dit kruip al te lank weg

It's crawling too far away

En nou brand dit sterk

And now it burns strongly

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Sy's dogter, ma en vrou

She's daughter, mum and wife

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Sterker as enige ou

Stronger than any guy

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Met swaarde in haar hand

With swords in her hand

Breek sy die kettings

She breaks the chains

Sy's Joan of Arc in haar hart

She's Joan of Arc in her heart

Hey Ya, haar vuur nooit sal ophou brand

Hey Ya, her heart will never stop burning

Hey Ya, haar vuur nooit sal ophou brand

Hey Ya, her heart will never stop burning

Almal bly net sê, hey meisie

Everyone keeps saying, hey girl,

Moenie jou gevoelens wys nie

Don't show your feelings

Bly net lig en vry soos 'n sagte veer

Stay light and free just like the soft spring

Laat die wind waai waar hy wil

Let the wind flow where it wants

Nou maak hy haar vlamme meer wild

But now they make her fire stronger

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Sy's dogter, ma en vrou

She's daughter, mum and wife

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Sterker as enige ou

Stronger than any guy

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Hey Ya Hey Ya

Met swaarde in haar hand

With swords in her hand

Breek sy die kettings

She breaks the chains

Sy's Joan of Arc in haar hart

She's Joan of Arc in her heart

Hey Ya, haar vuur nooit sal ophou brand

Hey Ya, her heart will never stop burning

Hey Ya, haar vuur nooit sal ophou brand

Hey Ya, her heart will never stop burning

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