Translation of the song Sê My artist ADAM (South Africa)


Sê My

English translation

Tell me

Sê my, sê my is dit lame van my

Tell me, tell me, is this lame from me?

Verlief wees is meer as net 'n game vir my

Being loved is more than a game for me

Maar ooooo ek bewe soos ek lekker kry

But I'm trembling as I get satisfied

Ek hoor weer hoe my kop skree vir my hart om te kalmeer

I hear as my head is yelling again to clam my heart

En ook hoe my hart weer my kop oortuig om te probeer

And also as my heart is convincing my head to try again

Maar toe tree my moed in om myself 'n kans te hê

But then I got the courage to get a chance for me

Gee en skielik is ek van my dood op my knee.

Give me one, and then I'm on my knees till death

Plan A

Plan A

Was n gejaag na die wind

Was a chasing past the wind

Plan B

Plan B

Was net om my voete te vind

Was just to find my feet

Maar plan C

But plan C

Is die beste vir laaste dis al waaraan ek nog kan dink

The best is saved for the last, that's all I can think about

Sê my, sê my ek weet dis lame verby toe

Tell me, tell me, I know it's lame,

Jy geval het uit die hemel het j seer gekry

Did it hurt then to fall from the sky?

Sê my, sê my het jy 'n bakery want ooo jou buns is net so hot vir my

Tell me, tell me, do you have a bakery, 'cause your buns are just so hot for me

Sê my, sê my is dit lame van my

Tell me, tell me, is this lame from me?

Verlief wees is meer as net 'n game vir my

Being loved is more than a game for me

Maar ooooo ek bewe soos ek lekker kry

But I'm trembling as I get satisfied

Ek't gehakkel toe ek haae vra of sy Blou Bul rugby skree

I was shocked to hear her Blue Bulls screaming

Die afsku in haar oë wys dat sy smaal talk nie waardeer

The disgust in her eyes shows that she doesn't appreciate small talk

Ek vra haar sommer reguit of sy my haar nommer

So I straighly asked her, what her phone number is

Sal gee en skielik voel ek sommer weer in beheer

Give it to me, and I will feel my self in control again

Plan A

Plan A

Het soos die wenner geklink

Sounded to be the winner

Plan B

Plan B

Is toe eintlik beter in ink

Is actually better in writing

Maar plan C

But Plan C

Steeds beste vir laaste dis al waaraan ek nog kan dink

The best is still saved for the last, that's all I can think about

Sê my, sê my ek weet dis lame verby toe

Tell me, tell me, I know it's lame,

Jy geval het uit die hemel het j seer gekry

Did it hurt then to fall from the sky?

Sê my, sê my het j 'n bakery want ooo jou buns is net so hot vir my

Tell me, tell me, do you have a bakery, 'cause your buns are just so hot for me

Sê my, sê my is dit lame van my

Tell me, tell me, is this lame from me?

Verlief wees is meer as net n game vir my

Being loved is more than a game for me

Maar ooooo ek bewe soos ek lekker kry

But I'm trembling as I get satisfied

Wie sou ooit kon dink dat pickup lines so goed kan werk

Who would ever think, that pickup lines work well

Gee my net 'n gaping dan maak eke my merk

Just give me a gaping, and then I'll make my mark

Dit klink soos baie moeite maar ooo die moeite werd

It's sounds so very beautiful, but it was worth

Ek lyk glad nie soos Bobby maar kom haal jou op my perd

I don't look happy like Bobby, but I'll come to pick you up on my horse

Sê my, sê my het jou 'n bakery want ooo jou buns is net so hot vir my

Tell me, tell me, do you have a bakery, 'cause your buns are just so hot for me

Sê my, sê my is dit lame van my

Tell me, tell me, is this lame from me?

Verlief wees is meer as net 'n game vir my

Being loved is more than a game for me

Sê my, sê my ek weet dis lame verby toe

Tell me, tell me, I know it's lame,

Jy geval het uit die hemel het j seer gekry

Did it hurt then to fall from the sky?

Sê my, sê my ek weet dis lame verby,

Tell me, tell me, I know it's lame,

Maar ek is Mr right hul se jy soek vir my

But I'm Mr. Right for whom you look for

My en oooo ek bewe soos ek lekker kry.

And I'm trembling as I get satisfied

Sê my sê my het jy son brand gekry want ooo jy is net so hot vir my

Tell me, tell me, do you have a bakery, 'cause your buns are just so hot for me

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