Translation of the song Smoorverlief artist ADAM (South Africa)



English translation


Hande sweet, ek staar na die grond

My hands are sweating, I'm standing on the ground

Ek is gereed, ge'suit en geskeer

I'm ready, I'm in suit and shaved

'n Blom gepluk om vir jou te gee

I picked up a flower to give it to you

wat het ek gedink, net die tyd sal leer

What was I thinking, only time will teach me

Hoekom daal ek dan so laag vir iets so afgesaag, blind dates is stupid.

Why do I descend so low for something so weird, blind dates are stupid

Maar toe jy die deur oopmaak, my gemoed begin te kraak

But then you open the door, my mood starts to crack

bewe my tone tot my lip

I'm trembling from toes to lips

Ek snak na asem soos 'n suurstofdief

I'm trying to breath like an oxygen thief

ek sluk my woorde want ek's smoorverlief

I'm swallowing my words because I'm lovesick

ek val val val vir die hartedief

I'm falling falling falling for the heartthief

iemand help asb asb ek's smoorverlief

Someone help me please please, I'm lovesick

Woorde gly oor my tong

Words slide over my tongue

maar wat ek uitkry maak geen sin

But what I pronounce makes no sence

so ek struikel voort

So I keep stumbling

maar ek glo vas dat ons twee saam hoort soos 'n skoen wat pas

But I strongly believe that the two of us belong together like shoes that fit

en soos jy aanhou praat en ek stiller raak begin ek 'n glimlag kry

And while you're talking and I'm getting quieter, I'm starting to smile

want ek sien alreeds jou naam in ons troukaartjie geraam

Because I can already see your name on our wedding cards

die begin van jou en my

The beginning of you and me

Ek snak na asem soos n suurstofdief

I'm trying to breath like an oxygen thief

ek sluk my woorde want ek's smoorverlief

I'm swallowing my words because I'm lovesick

ek val val val vir die hartedief

I'm falling falling falling for the heartthief

iemand help asb asb ek's smoorverlief

Someone help me please please, I'm lovesick

ek snak na asem soos 'n suurstofdief

I'm trying to breath like an oxygen thief

op eerste oogopslag is ek smoorverlief

I'm swallowing my words because I'm lovesick

ek val val val vir jou my lief

I'm falling falling falling for the heartthief

iemand help asb asb ek's smoorverlief

Someone help me please please, I'm lovesick

op jou

With you

vang my tog net as ek val

Just catch me when I fall

ek's smoorverlief

I'm lovesick

(ek's smoorverlief)

(I'm lovesick)

op jou

with you

(op jou)

(with you)

vang my asb as ek val

Catch me please when I fall

Ek snak na asem soos n suurstofdief

I'm trying to breath like an oxygen thief

ek sluk my woorde want ek's smoorverlief

I'm swallowing my words because I'm lovesick

ek val val val vir die hartedief

I'm falling falling falling for the heartthief

iemand help asb asb ek's smoorverlief

Someone help me please please, I'm lovesick

ek snak na asem soos 'n suurstofdief

I'm trying to breath like an oxygen thief

op eerste oogopslag is ek smoorverlief

I'm swallowing my words because I'm lovesick

ek val val val vir jou my lief

I'm falling falling falling for the heartthief

iemand help asb asb ek's smoorverlief

Someone help me please please, I'm lovesick

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