Translation of the song Superman artist ADAM (South Africa)



English translation


Ek weet jy verdien

I know that you deserve

'n Man van staal

A Steel Man

Soos 'n Clark Kent

Like Clark Kent

Wat vir jou net sal

Who will just

Die wereld op sy skouers dra

Carry the world on his shoulders

Iemand wat kan vlieg en vir jou se

Someone who can fly and say to you

Ek gaan jou voete onder jou uitslaan

I will knock out your feet under you

Jy is Jy is my Lois Lane

You are you are my Lois Lane

Ek is jou Superman

I am your Superman

Jou hart is veilig hier by my

Your heart is safe by me

Ek is jou Superman

I am your Superman

Ek veg vir jou my Lois Lane

I fight for you my Lois Lane

Ek is jou Superman

I am your Superman

Ek kom jou red glo jy vir my?

I'm coming to save you, can you believe me?

Ek is jou Superman

I am your Superman

Noem my wat jy wil

Call me how you want

Selfs Superman

Even Superman

Ek weet verseker wat ek wil wees

I know exactly what I want to be

Die pleister vir jou

The plaster for your

Pyn en vrees

Pain and fears

Wat n wag na

Who can guard over

Jou hart kan wees

Your heart

'n Ware man wat vir jou kan se

A real man who can say to you

Ek gaan jou voete onder jou uitslaan

I will knock out your feet under you

Jy is Jy is my Lois Lane

You are you are my Lois Lane

Ek is jou Superman

I am your Superman

Jou hart is veilig hier by my

Your heart is safe by me

Ek is jou Superman

I am your Superman

Ek veg vir jou my Lois Lane

I fight for you my Lois Lane

Ek is jou Superman

I am your Superman

Ek kom jou red glo jy vir my?

I'm coming to save you, can you believe me?

Ek is jou Superman

I am your Superman

Noem my wat jy wil

Call me how you want

Selfs Superman

Even Superman

Ek is nooit

I am never afraid

Bang vir die donker

Of the darkness

Daar is niks

There is nothing

Wat jy hoef te vrees

What you should be scared of

So slaap gerus

Sleep calmly

Want vir jou my lief

Because I love you

Sal ek Superman wees

I will knock out your feet under you

Jy is Jy is my Lois Lane

You are you are my Lois Lane

Ek is jou Superman

I am your Superman

Jou hart is veilig hier by my

Your heart is safe by me

Ek is jou Superman

I am your Superman

Ek veg vir jou my Lois Lane

I fight for you my Lois Lane

Ek is jou Superman

I am your Superman

Ek kom jou red glo jy vir my?

I'm coming to save you, can you believe me?

Ek is jou Superman

I am your Superman

Noem my wat jy wil

Call me how you want

Selfs Superman

Even Superman

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