Translation of the song Ночь artist Daniil Kharms
The Night
Дремлет сокол. Дремлют пташки.
The falcon is sleeping about the birdies.
Дремлют козы и барашки,
The goats doze off, and lambs sleep too.
А в траве в различных позах
And in the grasses, in different poses,
Спят различные букашки.
Different insects are napping each too.
Дремлет мостик над водой,
A small bridge is napping over water,
Дремлет кустик молодой.
A young small bush is sleeping near.
Пятаков Борис Петрович
With beard raised skyward, no snore,
Дремлет кверху бородой.
Pyatakov Boris Petrovich slept ashore.