Translation of the song Debes comprenderme artist Pooh


Debes comprenderme

English translation

You have to understand me

Cuanto siento defraudarte...

How much I'm sorry to let you down...

y me puedes despreciar

and you're free to scorn me

pues de pronto sé que debo dejarte

because soon I know I have to leave you

no lo puedo remediar.

I can't help it.

Tú te quedas tan callada...

You stay so silent...

no te explicas la razón

you don't see the reason

y te sientes por mi culpa desgraciada

and you feel miserable because of me

sé que no tendré perdón...

I know I'm unforgivable...

Pero debes comprenderme... si me marcho ya

But you have to understand me... if i go

por tu bien has de dejar de quererme

for your own good you have to stop loving me

tienes que olvidar...

you have to forget...

Para qué fingir cariño... que no te he de dar

Why do I have to pretend love... that I don't have to give you

porque mi destino está ya marcado

because my destiny is already laid down

hay en mi vida otra vida, el amor de verdad.

There is another life in my life, the true love.

Sé seguro que esta noche...

I surely know that this night...

sin dormir la encontraré

sleepless I will find her

sé también que no me hará ni un reproche

I also know that she won't reproach me for anything

y perdón le pediré.

and I will apologize to her.

Pero debes comprenderme... si me marcho ya

But you have to understand me... if i go

por tu bien has de dejar de quererme

for your own good you have to stop loving me

tienes que olvidar...

you have to forget...

Hay en mi vida otra vida, el amor de verdad

There is another life in my life, the true love

He sabido en un instante,

In a moment I knew,

que lo nuestro se acabó

that what happened between us had come to an end

y comprende que lo más importante

and I understand that the most important

es el verdadero amor.

is the true love.

He sabido en un instante,

In a moment I knew,

que lo nuestro se acabó

that what happened between us had come to an end

y comprende que lo más importante

and I understand that the most important

es el verdadero amor.

is the true love.

He sabido en un instante,

In a moment I knew,

que lo nuestro se acabó

that what happened between us had come to an end

y comprende que lo más importante

and I understand that the most important

es el verdadero amor.

is the true love.

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