Translation of the song Io in una storia artist Pooh
Io in una storia
Me in a story
Piano, piano diceva lei
Slowly, slowly, she said
Piano, piano, ho paura di svegliare i miei
Slowly, slowly, I'm afraid to wake my parents
Chiudiamoci di lá, nessuno ci vedrà, nessuno sentirà
Let's hide down there, nobody will see us, nobody will hear
Strano, strano, è stata lei
Strange, strange, she seemed
A cercarmi, a dirmi Questa notte voglio te
Looking for me, telling me tonight I want you
T'aspetto a casa mia, ed io non so chi sia
I'll wait for you at my house, and I don't know who she is
Ed io non so chi sia
And I don't know who she is
C'è, nella stanza
There is in the room
L'ombra tesa di qualcosa che non so
The tense shadow of something I don't know
Lei mi stringe ed io mi chiedo che cos'ho
She hugs me and I wonder what I have
Lei mi dice In casa porto chi mi va
She tells me In this house I bring whoever I want
Nessuno sentirà, nessuno ci vedrà
No one will hear, no one will see us
Piano, piano, ma cosa c'è?
Slowly, slowly, but what is it?
C'è qualcuno in casa che si muove e viene qui
There is someone in the house who moves and comes here
Lei dice Resta lì, sorride strana e poi
She says Stay there, smiles oddly and then
Abbracciami se vuoi
Embrace me if you want
Strano, strano, lei non tremò
Strange, strange, she didn't tremble
Ma sorrise a chi era entrato lì, davanti a noi
But she smiled at those who had entered there, in front of us
A chi gridava a lei
To those who shouted to her
Amore cosa fai, amore cosa fai
Love what are you doing?, love what are you doing?
Io, nella stanza
Me, in the room
Era come non ci fossi neanche più
It was like I wasn't even there anymore
Lei diceva Te la sei voluta tu
She said You wanted it
Non credevi che sapessi farlo anch'io
You didn't think I could do it too
Sbagliavi, amore mio, sbagliavi amore mio
You were wrong, my love, you were wrong, my love
Piano, piano, io me ne andai
Slowly, slowly, I left
Nella storia la mia parte ormai finiva lì
My story then ended there in history
Nemmeno mi voltai
I didn't even turn around
Nessuno mi fermò
No one stopped me
Non li ho rivisti mai
I never saw them again