Translation of the song Incompatibilidade de gênios artist João Bosco
Incompatibilidade de gênios
Incompatibility of Temperament
Jogava o Flamengo
The radio was broadcasting the Flamengo's soccer match,
Eu queria escutar.
And I wanted to hear it,
But she arrived
Mudou de estação
And then changed the station
Começou a cantar.
And started to sing over it.
Tem mais:
There's more:
Um cisco no olho
I'd got foreign body in my eye,
Ela, em vez
And instead of
De assoprar,
She blowing that from it,
Sem dó,
She remorselessly
Falou que, por ela,
Told me, that in her view,
Eu podia cegar.
I should've become blind.
Se eu dou
When I had
Um pulo, um pulinho,
Swung by on
Um instantinho no bar,
A bar for a little while, for a little while,
It was enough for her
Durante dez noites
Make me hungry1
Me faz jejuar,
During ten nights in a row,
As minhas cuecas
My underpants
Pro bruxo rezar,
To a sorcerer so he could curse them
And strain off my coffee
Meu café na calça
With my pants
Pra me segurar.
In order to dominate me.
Se eu tô, ai seu tô,
Oh, when I'm, when I'm
Devendo dinheiro
Owing money
E vem um me cobrar.
And someone comes to collect it from me,
A peste abre a porta
My damn wife opens the door
E ainda manda sentar,
And even asks them to enter and sit down.
Se eu mudo de emprego
If I change jobs
Que é pra melhorar,
So we can have better financial conditions,
Que é só pra melhorar,
Just so we can have better financial conditions,
Vê só:
She invites her mother
Convida a mãe dela
To live there with us.
Pra ir morar lá.
Dotô! Ai, Dotô!
So-and-so! Oh, so-and-so!
Se eu peço feijão, ela deixa salgar,
When I ask for beans, she puts too much salt in them,
e ela deixa salgar.
She puts too much salt in them.
Calor! Ai, Calor!
Oh, when it's hot! When it's hot,
Mas veste o casaco pra me atazanar,
She puts on her coat to bother me,
Só pra me atazanar,
Just to bother me.
E ontem,
Sonhando comigo, mandou eu jogar, mandou eu jogar,
In her dream, she asked me to bet, she asked me to bet,
No burro, foi no burro
On donkey. Then I actually bet on donkey,
E deu na cabeça a centena e o milhar.
And got both centena and milhar in cabeça.23
Ai, quero me separar!
Oh, I want to divorce her.3