C’est pour les potes d’un pote mythomane
This is for the guys who are friends with a liar
Pire qu’une drogue à chaque fois ça finit trop mal
Worse than a drug, every time it ends too badly
J’voudrais qu’il me l’avoue
I want him to admit it to me
Qu’il m’le dise, c’est tout
Just want him to tell me, that's all
Depuis qu’il ment comme il respire
Since he lies as easy as he breathes1
Allo Docteur ! J’me sens mal
Hello Doctor? I'm not feeling well
J’ai peur ! J’crois qu’mon pote est mythomane
I'm scared! I believe that my friend is a compulsive liar
Il déconne, j’le soupçonne depuis des mois
He acts up, I've suspected it for months
Je l’ai surpris entrain de répéter ses phrases avant de rentrer chez moi
I caught him practicing his lies before he came into my house
Il commande une pizza mais dit que c’est lui qui cuisine
He orders a pizza, but says that it's him that cooks
Pour faire croire qu’il est en couple, il traine en ville avec sa cousine « mais lâche-moi ! »
To make believe that he's in a relationship, he dawdles around town with is cousin but get off my case
C’est horrible, ça empire
It's terrible, that's getting worse
Comment faire, fils unique il m’a dit : « Sur la tête de mon frère » !
How, the only child tells me on my brother's life2
Ça devient gênant j’te jure j’ai peur de l’voir
It's getting annoying, I swear, I'm afraid to see him
Mais c’est mon pote alors j’fais semblant d’le croire
But he's my friend so I act like I believe him
J’entends oui quand il dit non
I hear yes when he says no
J’connais toutes ses mimiques quand il parle
I know all his facial expressions when he speaks
En live de Miami à la piscine municipale
Live from Miami to the Municipal Pool
Putain ! Ça devient difficile j’perd la raison
Fuck! That becomes difficult, I'm losing my mind
Est-ce que c’est bien sa maison est-ce qu’il nous a dit son vrai prénom ?
Is this his house? Did he tell us his real name?
Je fais des tests, j’enquête, j’deviens parano
I do tests, I investigate, I become paranoid
Quand il se tait, je sais qu’il en prépare un autre
When he shuts up, I know he's thinking up another
Le pire, c’est que j’vais douter le jour où il va mourir
The worst part is that I will doubt the day when he dies
J’mélange le faux et la vérité dans tous mes souvenirs
I mix up wrong and right in all my memories
Promis, juré, craché avec le sourire
I promise, I swear, spit with the smile
Il m’fait même plus marcher, il m’fait courir !
He isn't just fooling me, no, now he makes me believe every word he says
On a tous un pote mytho
We all have a friend that lies
Tous un pote mytho
A friend that lies
Si t’as pas de pote mytho
If you don't have a friend that lies
C’est que c’est toi le pote mytho
Then it's you that's the lying friend
On a tous un pote mytho
We all have a friend that lies
Tous un pote mytho
A friend that lies
Si t’as pas de pote mytho
If you don't have a friend that lies
C’est que c’est toi le pote mytho
Then it's you who's the lying friend
Tous un comme ça
All one like that
Une fille ou un gars
A girl or a guy
On l’aime même si il dit n’importe quoi
We love them even if they say anything
On a tous un pote mytho
We all have a friend that lies
Tous un pote mytho
A friend that lies
Si t’as pas de pote mytho ;
If you don't have a friend that lies
C’est que c’est toi !
Then it's you that's the lying friend
Bon j’avoue au départ, j’pensais qu’il allait changer
Well, I'll confess, at the start, I thought that he would change
Mais tu le connais à chaque fois, il finit par se laisser tenter !
But you know him, every time, he ends up getting tempted!
Bon j’avoue au départ, j’pensais qu’il allait changer
Well, I'll confess, at the start, I thought that he would change
Mais tu le connais à chaque fois, il finit par se laisser tenter !
But you know him, every time, he ends up getting tempted!
Il a que des embrouilles, tu m’étonnes, tu m’étonnes
He only has trouble, no surprise, no surprise
Vu que tous les jours, il mythone, il mythone
Because every day, he lies, he lies
Quand on lui demande d’où sortent les infos qu’il nous donne c’est
When someone asks him where he gets the info he gives them
Il est fort comme un boeuf
He's strong as an ox
Il fait qu’de grosses teufs
He just has huge parties
Il sort avec plein de meufs
He dates a ton of chicks
Au moins vingt-neuf, « Au moins vingt-neuf ? »
At least twenty-nine, At least twenty-nine!?
Aucun mytho n’est trop gros
No liar is too big
Et quand on lui demande, il a perdu les photos !
And when someone asks him, he lost the photos!
Il a la classe d’un acteur, quand il joue
He has the class3 of an actor when he plays
Il dit qu’il était dans le même club, que Zizou, « Ah ouais, j’le connais bien moi. »
He says that he was in the same club as Zizou4, Ah yes, I know him well
Non mais attends, pourquoi tu mens
No, but wait, why are you lying?
Ça fait dix ans que t’es remplaçant, sur le banc !
You've been on the bench for ten years!
Il débite les conneries, toute la journée
He spits the crap all day
Avec les potes, il nous pousse à bout
Me and my friends, he pushes us to the limit
Faut qu’il évite, faut qu’il arrête, faut qu’on l’emmène voir un marabout !
He's gotta avoid doing it, he's gotta stop, we gotta take him to see a saint!
Pas d’éthique, il empire, c’est pathétique
No ethics, he's getting worse, it's pathetic
Il pourrait dire que sa mère est morte, pour un paquet de chips !
He could say that his mom's dead, for a bag of potato chips!
Parait qu’il est champion toutes catégories
Seems like he is an overall champion
Que c’est le troisième frère, de BigFlo & Oli !
Like he's the third brother, of Bigflo & Oli!
Et quand j’y pense, le pire c’est quoi ?
And when I think about it, what is the worst?
Lui qui mythone ou moi qui y croit ?
He who lies or me who believes it?
On a tous un pote mytho
We all have a friend that lies
Tous un pote mytho
A friend that lies
Si t’as pas de pote mytho
If you don't have a friend that lies
C’est que c’est toi le pote mytho
Then it's you that's the lying friend
On a tous un pote mytho
We all have a friend that lies
Tous un pote mytho
A friend that lies
Si t’as pas de pote mytho
If you don't have a friend that lies
C’est que c’est toi le pote mytho
Then it's you who's the lying friend
Tous un comme ça
All one like that
Une fille ou un gars
A girl or a guy
On l’aime même si il dit n’importe quoi
We love them even if they say anything
On a tous un pote mytho
We all have a friend that lies
Tous un pote mytho
A friend that lies
Si t’as pas de pote mytho ;
If you don't have a friend that lies
C’est que c’est toi !
Then it's you that's the lying friend
Bon j’avoue au départ, j’pensais qu’il allait changer
Well, I'll confess, at the start, I thought that he would change
Mais tu le connais à chaque fois, il finit par se laisser tenter !
But you know him, every time, he ends up getting tempted!
Bon j’avoue au départ, j’pensais qu’il allait changer
Well, I'll confess, at the start, I thought that he would change
Mais tu le connais à chaque fois, il finit par se laisser tenter !
But you know him, every time, he ends up getting tempted!
C’est pour les potes d’un pote mythomane
This is for the guys who are friends with a liar
Pire qu’une drogue à chaque fois ça finit trop mal
Worse than a drug, every time it ends too badly
J’voudrais qu’il me l’avoue
I want him to admit it to me
Qu’il m’le dise, c’est tout
Just want him to tell me, that's all
Depuis qu’il ment comme il respire
Since he lies as he breathes
On a tous un pote mytho
We all have a friend that lies
Tous un pote mytho
A friend that lies
Si t’as pas de pote mytho
If you don't have a friend that lies
C’est que c’est toi le pote mytho
Then it's you that's the lying friend
On a tous un pote mytho
We all have a friend that lies
Tous un pote mytho
A friend that lies
Si t’as pas de pote mytho
If you don't have a friend that lies
C’est que c’est toi le pote mytho
Then it's you who's the lying friend
Tous un comme ça
All one like that
Une fille ou un gars
A girl or a guy
On l’aime même si il dit n’importe quoi
We love them even if they say anything
On a tous un pote mytho
We all have a friend that lies
Tous un pote mytho
A friend that lies
Si t’as pas de pote mytho ;
If you don't have a friend that lies
C’est que c’est toi !
Then it's you that's the lying friend