Translation of the song Bliža se [Be Prepared] artist The Lion King (OST) [2019]


Bliža se [Be Prepared]

English translation

It’s coming!

- Mufasa se pri lovu od nekdaj čisto preveč zadržuje. Ko bom jaz kralj, bodo močni lahko ujeli, kar bodo hoteli, ker hijenin želodec nikoli ni poln

- Mufasa has always been delaying way too much on his hunts. When I am King, the strong ones will be able to catch whatever they want, because a hyena’s stomach is never full.

- Mufasa je premočan, da bi ga izzvali

- Mufasa is too strong to be challenged

Mufasa je sedaj zgodovina

Mufasa is history now

In priznati bi moral poraz

and he should admit the defeat

Nalijmo zdaj čistega si vina,

Let’s put the cards on the table,

prišel je drugačen čas

a different time has come

Ja, levje kraljestvo se maje

Yes, the lions’ kingdom is shaking

Hijene dobile so znak

The hyenas have been given the sign

Že vidim priložnost ustaje,

I now see the opportunity for rebellion

svoj delež naj vzame si vsak

let each one take his own share

Bliža se preobrat tisočletja

Here comes the turnaround of the millenium

Pozor, zmagovalka spletk

Beware, the master of intrigues

Po letih tajenja, nočeh potrpljenja,

After years of denying, nights of patience,

po dnevih potrtih in zlobnih načrtih,

spoiled days and evil plans,

pokončno pozdravljen,

I will finally be hailed, 1

na prestol postavljen kot kralj, ki mu večjega ni

and set upon the throne as King with no one greater,

Zdaj pokazal bom svoje zobe

I will now bare my teeth

Bliža se!

It’s coming!

Bliža se!

It’s coming!

Bliža se!

It’s coming!

Bliža se!

It’s coming!

Bliža se!

It’s coming!

Bliža se!

It’s coming!

Pokazali zdaj bomo zobe

We will now bare our teeth

Bliža se!

It’s coming!

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