雨の降る夜は 人恋しくて
On a rainy night I miss you
夢がぬれます ネオンがしみる
Dreams get wet and the neon pierces
とんでゆきたい 抱かれたい
I want to go flying to hold you
縁を切る橋 つなぐ橋
The bridge where we broke up is the one that joins us
渡りきれない 淀屋橋
The long bridge of Yodoya
声をかければ 他人の空似
When someone similar calls
うしろ姿の しあわせばかり
It's just the happiness seen from behind
あなた逢いたい もう一度
I want to meet you again
たとえかなわぬ 夢でいい
It's a good example of an impossible dream
両手合わせる 法善寺
I join both hands at the Hozenji temple
にごり水でも 青空うつす
Though it's muddy water, it imitates the blues sky
越えてゆけます あなたがいれば
I could cross it over if you were here
ふたりとびたい 春の空
We both want to cross the spring sky
つたい歩きの とまり木は
The benches of who go walking
浮いて流れて 北新地
Are floating on the Kitashinchi station