Translation of the song Il tempo se ne va / Как быстро время пронеслось artist Toto Cutugno
Il tempo se ne va / Как быстро время пронеслось
Time goes away
Quel vestito da dove è sbucato?
That dress where did it come from?
Che impressione vederlo indossato,
What an impression to see it worn,
Se ti vede tua madre lo sai
If your mother sees you, you know it
Questa sera finiamo nei guai...
This evening we end up in trouble...
È strano ma sei proprio tu,
It's weird but it's you,
Quattordici anni o un po di più…
Fourteen years or a little more ...
La tua barbie è da un po che non l’hai
You haven't had your barbie for a while
E il tuo passo e da donna oramai.
And your step is like a woman now.
В первый раз на тебе это платье,
The first time you wear this dress
Был смущен и не знал, что сказать я
I was confused and did not know what to say
Буду я волноваться всю ночь,
I will worry all night
На свиданье ушла моя дочь
My daughter left for a date
Как странно мне, но это ты,
How strange it is to me, but it is you,
Пропали куклы и банты,
Dolls and bows are Missing,
Пролетело четырнадцать лет,
fourteen years have flown
И девчонки той маленькой нет...
And there is no more of that little girl...
Как быстро время пронеслось,
How fast the time went by
Ты барышнею стать успела..
You had time to become a young lady ..
Заметить мне не удалось
I failed to notice
Тот миг, когда ты повзрослела...
That moment when you grew older...
E intanto il tempo se ne va
And meanwhile time goes away
Tra i sogni e le preoccupazioni
Between dreams and concerns
Le calze a rete han preso già
The fishnet stockings have already taken
Il posto dei calzettoni.
The place of socks.
Проболтав с кем-то по телефону
Chatting with someone on the phone
Бросив трубку, бежишь ты из дому...
Dropping the phone, you run out of the house ...
И часами потом тебя жду,
And hours later, I wait for you,
Лишь бы ты не попала в беду...
If only you did not get into trouble...
Куда уходишь ты в ночи?
Where do you go in the night?
Зачем берешь с собой ключи?
Why do you take your keys with you?
Я не сплю, я волнуюсь, любя...
I do not sleep, I worry, loving ...
Никого нет дороже тебя...
I have No one worth more than you...
E intanto il tempo se ne va
And meanwhile time goes away
E non ti senti più bambina,
And you don't feel like a child anymore
Si cresce in fretta alla tua età
You grow fast at your age
Non me ne sono accorto prima.
I didn't notice it before.
Как быстро кончилась пора,
How fast it was over
Когда в игрушки ты играла...
When you played toys ...
Была принцессою вчера,
You were a princess yesterday,
Сегодня королевой стала...
Today, you became a queen...
E intanto il tempo se ne va
And meanwhile time goes away
Tra i sogni e le preoccupazioni,
Between dreams and worries,
Le calze a rete han preso già
The fishnet stockings they have already taken
Il posto dei tuoi calzettoni.
The place of your socks.