Translation of the song Republika Srpska artist Lepi Mica
Republika Srpska
Republic of Srpska
Za Slobodu Sarajeva ginu hrabri momci
For the freedom of Sarajevo, brave men are dying,
Iz Vogošće, Ilijaša, Srpski dobrovoljci
from Vogosce, Ilijas, Serbian Volunteers
Ginu Srbi mladi za slobodu grada
Young Serbs are dying for the freedom of the town,
Republiko Srpska svi smo sa tobom sada
Republic of Srpska, we're all together with you now
Nedžariči, Ilidža mnogo su nam dali
Nedzarici, Ilidza gave us a lot
Spsku zemlju braneći junački su pali
Defending Serbian land, they fell heroically.
Ginu Srbi mladi za slobodu grada
Young Serbs are dying for the freedom of the town,
Republiko Srpska svi smo sa tobom sada
Republic of Srpska, we're all together with you now
Grbavica junacka i heroji njeni
Heroic Grbavica and her heroes,
Hrabri Srbi sa Vraca bice proslavljani
Brave Serbs from Vraca will be celebrated!
Ginu Srbi mladi za slobodu grada
Young Serbs are dying for the freedom of the town,
Republiko Srpska svi smo sa tobom sada
Republic of Srpska, we're all together with you now