Translation of the song 二月の丘 artist ZABADAK



English translation

February Hill

あれは遠い昔話 それとも昨日みた夢

Whether that was a far old tale or a dream which was had yesterday?

若者は神秘の森に 迷い込む私見た

A young man saw me wandering into the mystic forest

心狂わすその香り 娘たちを惑わせて

That scent which makes the mind go insane, leads astray the maidens

いつしか誰も胸焦がす 淡い午後の出来事

An event in the faint afternoon, which makes every person pine for

あなたへつのる いとしさ抱きしめ

Embracing my fondness of yearning for you

ティールナ・ヌォーグ 永遠の思いは 心さまよわせるだけで

Tír na nÓg, where the eternal thoughts can stop time by only letting its mind wander

時の止まるそこはきっと 夢の戻り道 二月の丘

There must be the return path of the dreams, the February Hill

風にさらわれた帽子を 追いかけて森へ駆ける

Chasing my hat snatched away by the wind, I run to the forest

その時ふいによみがえる かすかに甘い記憶

Then suddenly it comes back to me, a faintly sweet memory

言葉もなく手を伸ばして やわらかな髪に触れた

Wordlessly, you reached your hand and touched my soft hair

黒い水晶の瞳に 私だけを映して

Reflecting only me in your black crystal eyes

いとしいあなた 去りゆく筈がない

My beloved one, you can't be going away

ティールナ・ヌォーグ 永遠の流れに 触れた心帰らぬまま

Tír na nÓg, where the heart which touched the eternal flow, still don't go back and the lights dance

光踊る そこはきっと 夢の通り道 二月の丘

There must be the pathway of the dreams, the February Hill

ティールナ・ヌォーグ 山査子の葉かげに 今も響くその足音

Tír na nÓg, the sound of your footsteps still echoes in the shadows of hawthorn leaves

森にとらわれて流した涙 朝露にとけて

The tears shed by me, who've been caught in the forest, dissolved in the morning dew

ティールナ・ヌォーグ 永遠の思いは 心さまよわせるだけで

Tír na nÓg, where the eternal thoughts can stop time by only letting its mind wander

時の止まるそこはきっと 夢の戻り道 二月の丘

There must be the return path of the dreams, the February Hill

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