Translation of the song La metrou artist Secret (Romania)
La metrou
At the subway
Ar fi altceva dac-ar fi să mergem să-ţi arăt şi eu ceva
It would be something else if we'd go so I can show you something:
Ai să vezi şi peisaje cu macazuri şi cu şineda,
You'd see even landscapes with turning points and rails
da, da, n-ai ce să faci, taci
yeah, yeah, yeah, you can't help it, shut up
ca să vezi cum într-o eră fără viaţă şi ecou
So you'll see how in an era withouth life and echo,
dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou,
in the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
ca să vezi cum într-o eră cu macazuri şi cu rame
So you'll see how in an era with turning points and rail units,
omul nou stă-n cur pe scaun şi rezolvă integrame, hei!
the new man is sitting on the chair and solving crossword puzzles
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Sunt pe tavan lămpi cu neon,
There are neon lamps in the ceiling
seminţe la tarabe pe, pe, pe, pe peron
seeds at the barrows on the platform
Copiii mai speră un chiştoc de Carpaţi
Kids are still hoping for a stogies of Carpaţi
încercaţi să ne mai desconsideraţi
stop desconsidering us!
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Un-doi, un-doi, ce frumos, ce frumos
One-two, one-two, how beautiful, how beautiful
spre amiază aerul e tot mai voios
towards the midday, the air is happier
Un-doi, un-doi, ce frumos, ce frumos
One-two, one-two, how beautiful, how beautiful
omul nou stă în picioare şi mănîncă de pe jos
the new people are standing and eating from the floor
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Dimineaţa omul nou se coboară la metrou
In the morning, the new people are going down to the subway
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na hei, na-na-na-hei
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,
Na-na-na-na-na-na hei,