Translation of the song Noć je puna ljubavi [Can You Feel the Love Tonight] artist The Lion King (OST) [2019]
Noć je puna ljubavi [Can You Feel the Love Tonight]
The night is full of love
Timon: Ponašaju se čudno.
Timon: They’re acting strange
Pumba: Tko? Što? Tko?
Pumba: Who? What? Who?
Timon: Ja znam u čem je stvar
Timon: I know what the deal is
Pumba: U čemu je što?
Pumba: What is what?
Timon: To našeg momka ljubav otima. Naš trio sad je par.
Timon: Love is taking away our boy. Our trio is now a pair.
Pumba: Sad mi je jasno.
Pumba: Now I get it
Timon: U slatke sitne sate
Timon: Into the sweet nighttime hours
Pumba: Da
Pumba: Yes
Timon: Kad plaha je i zvijer
Timon: When even the beast is timid
Pumba: Zvijer je plaha.
Pumba: The beast is timid
Timon: Romansu slutim s tužnim raspletom
Timon: I foresee a romance with a sad outcome
Sve propast će zbog nje!
It will all fall apart because of her!
Simba and Nala:
Simba and Nala:
Noć je puna ljubavi
The night is full of love
Dok suton slijedi dan
While twilight follows the day
Taj rijetki tren kad svijet je savršen
That rare moment when the world is perfect
I divan sniva san
and dreams a wonderful dream
Još ne znam gdje da počnem
I still don’t know where to start
Objasnit moram sve
I have to explain everything
I priznat da sam kriv, ni slučajno!
and admit that I’m wrong, no way!
Jer gubim je taj tren
Because I lose her at that moment
Od mene nešto skriva
He’s hiding something from me
U glasu čudan ton
His voice has a strange tone
Znam da on je kralj kog čekamo
I know he’s the king we’re waiting for
I zna li to i on?
Does he know it too?
Simba and Nala:
Simba and Nala:
Noć je puna ljubavi
The night is full of love
Dok suton slijedi dan
While twilight follows the day
Taj rijetki tren kad svijet je savršen
That rare moment when the world is perfect
I divan sniva san
and dreams a wonderful dream
Simba and Nala:
Simba and Nala:
Noć je puna ljubavi
The night is full of love
I nosi duše dv'je
and carries two souls
Njena moć ne pozna granice
It's power doesn’t know any limits
Ljubav spaja sve
Love connects all
Zaljubit će se noćas, znam
He’ll fall in love tonight, I know
Imam osjećaj
I have a feeling
Da druženju i prijateljstvu
That companionship and friendship
Timon and Pumbaa:
Timon and Pumbaa:
Sad tužan prijeti kraj
Is now threatened by a sad ending