Translation of the song マジで顔面リセットしてえ artist Takayan



English translation

I hate my face


All I have is my personality.


Those handsome face beats me so easily.


OMG! Indifferent person, since born and until I die.

○ねよ 剥ぎ取って 自分の顔に貼りたい

Go to hell! I want to peel it off and put it on my face.


Not a face which can show around.


Firstly, days with the puffy face, I look poorer than Anpanman.


Take notes from google search result, my diet project!

でも脳内 理想の自分は 七日後に消える

But the ideal self in my brain, disappears after seven days.

って、そもそも 痩せても顔ずっとモルモット

Well, even I've lose weight, the face still looks like a marmot.

はいはい 似てるけど動物の名前のあだ名は聞き飽きてんぞ

OK fine, we looks alike. But I'm tired of hearing nicknames about that animal.

有名人の配信を眺め アンチコメントで辛さ誤魔化し

Watch celebrity's live streams, deceive my pain with hate speech.

ウゼぇ奴の質問箱で 超最低な悪口を書き

Profane words and phrases, to that annoying people’s question box.

性格もうんこ並み 腐ってるさ

My character, it’s just a piece of rotten shit.

心地良い 居場所も鍵垢だけさ

The only place I feel comfortable, my private account.


With an emoji name and 0 followers.

孤独でいいけど もう寂しいんだ!

I'm fine being alone, but I'm too lonely now!

夢失っては 落魄れてく僕ら

Lost my dreams, fallen.

この顔面と棺桶まで Long run

Carry this face until the coffin. Long run.


The more you care about yourself, the less people cares about you... (?)


The most important thing is your personality, right?

黙れよバカ 嘘ばっかの兄ちゃん

Shut up, dumb ass. Liar boi.

お世辞まみれで 終わった!^^ 明日も。

Flattery all the way down! I’m done ^^! Repeats tomorrow.


All I have is my personality.


Those handsome face beats me so easily.


OMG! Indifferent person, since born and until I die.

○ねよ 剥ぎ取って 自分の顔に貼りたい

Go to hell! I want to peel it off and put it on my face.


(No matter how much you love that person,)


(Thought we are friends, but just a fucking trash in their eyes.)


OMG! Indifferent person, since born and until I die.

○ねよ! 剥ぎ取って 自分の顔に貼りたい;;

Go to hell!!! I want to peel it off and put it on my face.; ;

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