Translation of the song 元恋人とセフレ関係になった artist Takayan



English translation

From Ex-lover to Sex-friend

寂しさ紛らわし 満たす快感

It’s pleasure to deceive loneliness

錆びて腐っては失っていく My love

Rusted and rotten, then I lose it, my love

どれだけ好きになっても 手は届かない

No matter how much I love you, still, I can’t reach you

交じり合う事だけを考えた 躍らされる何かの掌

Can only think about sensuality, twisted around “something's” finger

全ては欲の為に 都合良い 道具扱い

It's all about “lust”, just a tool, which comes in handy

別にそれで良かった 過去は気にしないさ

It's fine being like this, don't care about our past anymore

汚れへと成り下がった あの日には戻れない

Turns out filthy, we can never head back to those days

始めよう 自己満足 中途半端で居る愛情

Let's start, self-satisfaction, incomplete “romantic relationship”

何も思わないよ 虚しいけど。

Not thinking about anything, it just feels empty

違う世界線の幸せ 愛し合っていた部屋で

“Happiness” from the parallel world, in the room where we loved each other

会話も続かないまま 容姿 乱れる

Not continuing any conversation, clothes and hair, messy

こんな奴でごめんね でも今だけは楽しいよ

Sorry for being such a person, but I’m having fun right now

手繋ぐデートじゃなくて 抱き合い寝る ベッドじゃなくて

Not a date which we hold in our hands, not a bed where we hug and sleep


Though hands are holding, there’s none of “love”

数十分後 テンションさえも朽ち果てる

Half an hour later, the high spirits decay

賢者モード 流す alcohol

Post-orgasm, alcohol flows

君の表情 笑ってるよ 抉る

You smiled, while my heart aches


Really want to reverse time


When everything was given by each other

寂しさ紛らわし 満たす快感

It’s pleasure to deceive loneliness

錆びて腐っては失っていく My love

Rusted and rotten, then I lose it, my love

どれだけ好きになっても 手は届かない

No matter how much I love you, still, I can’t reach you

交じり合う事だけを考えた 躍らされる何かの掌

Can only think about sensuality, twisted around “something's” finger

全ては欲の為に 都合良い 道具扱い

It's all about “lust”, just a tool, which comes in handy

別にそれで良かった 過去は気にしないさ

It's fine being like this, don't care about our past anymore

汚れへと成り下がった あの日には戻れない

Turns out filthy, we can never head back to those days

始めよう 自己満足 中途半端で居る愛情

Let's start, self-satisfaction, incomplete “romantic relationship”

何も思わないよ 虚しいけど。

Not thinking about anything, it just feels empty

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