Translation of the song 反抗心 artist Takayan

English, Japanese


English translation


The world is clean and dirty

The world is clean and dirty.

通り過ぎる weekend 毎日

Live through weekends, every day.

連なった焦燥を 冷えた想いで燃やす

Burn the chain of irritations with dry/ice beers.

同じ日々を変える No lie 比べず

Change those repeating days. No lie.

Each person's way of life

Don’t compare. Each person's way of life.


With unfaithfulness and putrefaction, make your dreams come true.

Today is wonder

Today is wonder.

Rebellious そのままで

Rebellious, all the way down.


Tear off those huge ambitions, brutally, with bare hands.

弱い 弱い 潜む脳の皺を

So weak, too weak. Wrinkles hidden inside the brain.


Let’s make your true self laugh.

Bring it up It G ma

Bring it up. It G ma.

死にたいけど 動機消えてないよ

Want to die, but the motivation hasn't disappear yet.


Though the heart is hurt and broken.


“Ways to escape and ways to live” the gentle breeze said.


Only you have the right to draw the map.


Acting, diehard. The day to die shall never come.

あの惑星 触れられなくて

Don’t need to contact that planet.

声さえ出なくて 君だけの革命

Don’t need any words. It’s your own revolution.


Every time when I’m dreaming.


Words fly across my head and stayed.

ただ儚い容姿 辛いそして強引

Appearance? It’s fragile. Painful, still force myself to move on.

戻ろう クソガキの頃に

Fly back, to when you’re just a freaking child.

Say whatever you want to say

Say whatever you want to say.


Worry nothing about “common sense”. Play.

Like this like that

Like this like that.

ブン投げる 憂鬱と抱擁のWifi

Throw it all away! Depressions and the indispensable Wi-Fi.

The world is clean and dirty

The world is clean and dirty.

通り過ぎる weekend 毎日

Live through weekends, every day.

連なった焦燥を 冷えた想いで燃やす

Burn the chain of irritations with dry/ice beers.

同じ日々を変える No lie 比べず

Change those repeating days. No lie.

Each person's way of life

Don’t compare. Each person's way of life.


With unfaithfulness and putrefaction, make your dreams come true.

Today is wonder

Today is wonder.

Rebellious そのままで

Rebellious, all the way down.


Tear off those huge ambitions, brutally, with bare hands.

弱い 弱い 潜む脳の皺を

So weak, too weak. Wrinkles hidden inside the brain.


Let’s make your true self laugh

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