Translation of the song 性別なんてクソくらえ artist Takayan



English translation

Shit named 'Gender'

くだらない世界なんてとうに壊して 夢見てた世界へ

Please, someone. Destroy this hell of a reality. Take me to the dreamy world.

馬鹿にされても 観ないで良いよ

Even though they think we’re foolish. Just ignore them.

二人の好きが一緒なら 駆け抜ければいい

As long as we love each other, run through the world.

こっちは真剣なのに もう

Though we’re taking it very serious.


They will never approve our love, right?


Conversation ends without gaining any trust.


And they taunted me a few days later.

変わり者の私を あなたは認めてくれた

You accepted someone like me, who is eccentric.

些細な事で笑っては この手を繋いでくれた。

Now, even trifles can make me laugh. Because I’m holding your hands.


Gender barrier has no right to deny us.

「与えられた運命だ」と 自分を持って走るよ

You are my destiny. Believe in yourself.


The world is in slow motion when I am with you.

ねぇ、好きだよ ねぇ、ありがとう

Hey, I love you. Hey, thank you.


The scene I used to see has changed.

くだらない世界なんてとうに壊して 夢見てた世界へ

Please, someone. Destroy this hell of a reality. Take me to the dreamy world.

馬鹿にされても 観ないで良いよ

Even though they think we’re foolish. Just ignore them.

二人の好きが一緒なら 駆け抜ければいい

As long as we love each other, run through the world.

認められるように 自分を捨てぬように

Wish we’ll be recognized by the society. Hope we won't abandon ourselves.

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