Translation of the song 遠距離恋愛の曲。 artist Takayan



English translation

A Long Distance Relationship Song.

初めましてはツイッター 趣味性格合いすぎてびびった

We first met on Twitter, Tastes, Personalities, we were so much alike it was kinda scary

FPSとか色んなゲームやって Discord開き 24時間中話して

We played FPS and other games, opened Discord and talked 24 hours straight

一緒に嫌いな奴 愚痴ったり 自撮り界隈の子を褒めてたり

Together, throwing shade at people we hate, giving props to so-and-so's selfies that are buzzing


So nice, you go along with everything I say, yet you live on the opposite end of the world

離れてることを恨むよ 家が隣にあればいいのにっていつも思う

I curse the distance between us, I keep wishing we lived next to each other

ストレス膨張 夜、君が居ないとき手に包丁

The stress balloons up at night, when you can't be reached, I reach for a kitchen knife


Like our phones heating up while falling asleep talking


My feelings for you just keep getting hotter and hotter the more distance there is between us

寝落ち 途中から覚えてない 話したことや嫌な記憶

Falling asleep while on the phone, I lost track of what's said and what upset me

会えなくなるほど 愛 深く 浮気しないかとか疑う

My love for you grows deeper the more I don't get to see you, it makes me suspect you're being unfaithful


Hey, don't you go falling out of love! I will never but I'm worried about you

会ったら全部私を捧げるし 処女なんか一瞬であげるし

When we finally meet, I will give you all of me, my virginity, yours in an instant

顔もかっこいい 性格も優しい だめなとこないから不安かなり

Your looks are fire and you can't be sweeter, your perfection makes me feel so insecure


I mean, it's an internet hook-up, so


It's so easy hiding whatever it is you want to hide about yourself

もう、なんだっていいよ どう思ってくれてても今のままでいい。

I don't care anymore, however you feel about me, I just want us to stay the way we are

ネットの出会いをずっと舐めてた あなたの為だけになるヤリマン

I've always underestimated internet hook-ups but

気遣う会社 抜け出せば ご飯食べ 風呂行って最後はつうわ!

For you and for you only, I'll even be a slut

寝落ち 途中から覚えてない 話したことや嫌な記憶

Falling asleep while on the phone, I lost track of what's said and what upset me

会えなくなるほど 愛 深く 浮気しないかとか疑う

My love for you grows deeper the more I don't get to see you, it makes me suspect you'd be cheating on me

人類皆メンヘラだから ここぞと言う時に沈む

Everyone on earth is mentally unstable, so we sink deep when we're hit where it hurts the most

離れてる理由は何故かわかんないけど 少しだけ運命を感じる

I don't know the reason we're apart but somehow,


I feel we're destined for each other

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