Translation of the song 黙れ artist Takayan



English translation

Shut up

優柔不断な僕はもう居ない All right

The indecisive me no longer exist, All right.


Regards immediately after I gave up on myself.


Friends who stabbed me in the back.

Hate you shut up 我儘に生きよう

Hate you shut up. Let me live in my own way.

Breakthrough fuked up あからさまにイキろう

Breakthrough fucked up, live with my bare self.


Anxiety through the whole year, everyday.

芸術なんだ 人生も一緒

What is art? What is life?

Hate you shut up 我儘に生きよう

Hate you shut up. Let me live in my own way.


Wants to sleep, school sucks.

痩せたい 夜更かし お酒でParty

Wants to lose weight, have a drunk party till late night.


Lonely and dim room,


the only thing which can calm me down.

皆 嘘つき 表だけ

All of you are liars, you just pretend.


These hands sucks, they can’t change the reality.

グッバイ 黒すぎ もう飽きたって

Goodbye, so dark, I’m fed up.


If you aren’t the chosen one, piss off.

決めんの自由だ 偽者本物

“You have the freedom to decide” The true liar said.


Follow the rules made by those dumb people.


Things you can see once you die:

絶対王政みてえな校長先生 頭 ペペローション

Absolute authority, the principal, red ‘slimes’ from his head.

永遠に野次はね 関係ない

I don’t care about those scums.


Wants to run away while I’m suffering.

同じばかり 満たせないなら

Fed up and not satisfied,


I want you to touch me, a little bit is alredy enough!

優柔不断な僕はもう居ない All right

The indecisive me no longer exist, All right.


Regards immediately after I gave up on myself.


Friends who stabbed me in the back.

Hate you shut up 我儘に生きよう

Hate you shut up. Let me live in my own way.

Breakthrough fuked up あからさまにイキろう

Breakthrough fucked up, live with my bare self.


Anxiety through the whole year, everyday.

芸術なんだ 人生も一緒

What is art? What is life?

Hate you shut up 我儘に生きよう

Hate you shut up. Let me live in my own way.

めんどい! I don't need a bitch anymore

Troublesome! I don't need a bitch anymore.

全員 Kawaii 好きに生きていいの!

Everyone are cute, live as I like!

ずっと優しい 男前 イカしてるよ

Attract those gentlemen and handsomes.

脳震盪 Like a 精子出る 覚醒用意

Concussion, like a sperm, prepared to emergence.


I think I'm about to die.

どーぷ bounce everybody bounce 適当

Dope, bounce everybody bounce, whatever.


I like how you cares about everyone.

二面性 無感情 Do you love me?

Split, without emotion. Do you love me?

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