Translation of the song Elimde Olsa artist İbrahim Tatlıses
Elimde Olsa
Elimde Olsa
Elimde olsa hiç ağlar mıydım
if it was in my hands, would i so cry?
Elimde olsa bel bağlar mıydım
if it was in my hands, would i rely on you?
Yıkılsın dağlar açılsın yollar
let the mountains break down, let the ways open
Senin elinden içim kan ağlar
inside me bleeds from your hands
Başımın tacı kara sevdalım
the crown on my head, my lovesick
Gözümün nuru başı belalım
the light of my eyes, my sorrowed one
Elimde olsa hiç sever miydim
if it was in my hand, would i so love (you)?
Elimde olsa dert çeker miydim
if it was inmy hand, would i suffer for trouble?
Ayrılık çöktü belimi büktü
the seperation collapsed, bended my back
Senin hasretin canıma yetti
your longing became to much for me