Translation of the song Yaş Altmışbeş artist İbrahim Tatlıses
Yaş Altmışbeş
Age Sixty Five
aman bir guzel ki on yasina girince gonca
Ah, a beautiful girl who when became ten, the rosebud
guldur henuz acilir
She is a rose, just blooms
onbirinde gonca diye koklarlar
When she became eleven, someone will snuff like rosebud
onikide elma deyip saklarlar
When she became twelve, they will hide like an apple
onucuncu cevri cefa cekerler
When she became thirteen, they will suffering
ondordunde badem sekere benzer ey ey aman
When she became fourteen, she resembles to almond candy
onbesinde guzelligin cagidir
When she became fifteen, it's the age of beauty
onaltida goren aklim dagitir
When she became sixteen, she will break on my mind
onyedide gogsu cennet bagidir
When she became seventeen, her breast is heaven bond
uzanir boyu selviye benzer ey ey aman
Her height will be longer, resembles to cypress
onsekizinde hem artirir zarini
When she became eighteen, she will increase her membrane
ondokuzda terk eylemis arini
When she became nineteen, she left her home
yirmisinde gozetip isini karini
When she became twenty, she seeks her business and profit
zencirlerden kopmus aslana benzer ey ey aman
Resembles to a lion who has been freed from her chain
yirmibesten sonra biyiklari bugrulur
After from twenty-five, her whiskers have been curled up
otuzunda akan sular durulur
When she became thirty, the flowing water will stop
otuzbesde her gunahlar sorulur
When she became thirty-five, all her sins will be asked
yatana karismis irfana benzer ey ey aman
Resembles to knowledge which mixed to lie
kirk yasinda beller bukulur baglar
When she became fourty, her waist will be curled
kirkbesinde gunahlarina aglar
When she became fourty-five, she will cry for her sins
ellisinde insanlara bel baglar
When she became fifty, she will want help from people
dag basina cokmus dumana benzer ey ey aman
Resembles to smoke that descended on the mountains
ellibesde sizi iner dizine
When she became fifty-five the pain will drop to her knee
altmisinda duman coker gozune
When she became sixty, the smoke will be fall in her eyes
altmisbesde hic bakilmaz yuzune
When she became sixty-five, nobody won't look her face
ahreti gozetir suphana benzer ey ey aman
She will seek the hereafter, resembles to the mount Süphan
altmisbesden sonra beller bukulur
After from sixty-five, the waist will be curled
butun damarlardan kanlar cekilir
All blood will withdraw from the blood vessels
gel gel diye toprak cagirir
The ground will call her; Come, come!
simdi geldi gecti yalana benzer ey ey aman
Now it's came and passed, resembles to a lie