Translation of the song Ervah-ı Ezelden artist Alevi-Bektashi Folk (Semah and Deyish)
Ervah-ı Ezelden
In the eternity of souls
Ervah-ı ezelde levh-i kalemden
In the eternity of souls, with the divine pencil
Levh-i kalemden
Divine pencil
Bu benim bahtımı kara yazmışlar
They wrote my fortune in black
Bilirim güldürmez devr-i alemden
I know it doesn't make lough all over the World
Birgünümü yüz bin zara yazmışlar
They wrote hundred thousands of cries to my day
Bilirim güldürmez devr-i alemden
I know it doesn't make lough all over the World
Birgünümü yüz bin zara yazmışlar
They wrote hundred thousands of cries to my day
Dünyayı sevenler veli değildir
Those who love the World are not saints
Canım değildir
Are not, my dear
Canı terk edenler deli değildir
Those who leave the life are not crazy
İnsanoğlu gamdan hali değildir
Human beings are not exempt from grief
Her birini bir efkara yazmışlar
They wrote each of them to a sorrow
İnsanoğlu gamdan hali değildir
Human beings are not exempt from grief
Her birini bir efkara yazmışlar
They wrote each of them to a sorrow
Nedir bu sevdanın nihayetinde
What is there at the end of this love
At the end
Yadlar gezer yarın vilayetinde
Foreigners will come to your province tomorrow
Herkes diyarında muhabbetinde
Everybody is chatting in their places
Bilmem bizi ne civara yazmışlar
I don't know to which place they wrote us
Herkes diyarında muhabbetinde
Everybody is chatting in their places
Bilmem bizi ne civara yazmışlar
I don't know to which place they wrote us
Olaydım dünyada ikbali yaver
I would like to have a lucky future
Hey can yaver
Hey friend, lucky
El etsem sevdiğim acep kim ne der
If I wave my hand, Who says what? Ey darling
Bilmem tecelli mi yoksa ki kader
I don't know if the destiny is a fate
Beni bir vefasız yara yazmışlar
They wrote me to a fickle lover
Bilmem tecelli mi yoksa ki kader
I don't know if the destiny is a fate
Beni bir vefasız yara yazmışlar
They wrote me to a fickle lover
Yazanlar Leyla'yı Mecnun kitabın
Those who wrote the book of Leyla and Mecnun
Sümmani'yi bir kenara yazmışlar
wrote Summani to another side
Yazanlar Leyla'yı Mecnun kitabın
Those who wrote the book of Leyla and Mecnun
Sümmani'yi bir kenara yazmışlar
wrote Summani to another side