Translation of the song Vai tu vari sajūst mīlestību šonakt? [Can you feel the love tonight?] artist The Lion King (OST) [2019]
Vai tu vari sajūst mīlestību šonakt? [Can you feel the love tonight?]
Can you feel the love tonight?
Redzu es, kas notiek
I see what is happening
(Es nē. Kas?)
(I don't. What?)
Tie ir kā pasakā
They are like in a fairy tale
Tos mīla skars
Love will affect them
Un šķiet, ka turpmāk šeit mēs būsim divatā
And it seems that from now on we will be together here
(Oh, sapratu)
(Oh, understood)
Tik sapņaini viz
So dreamily glows
The water
Riet saule pamalē
Sun goes down at the edge
(At the edge)
Un romantisko jūtu ietekmē
And in the influence of romantic feelings
Prāts nefunkcionē
Mind doesn't work
Mana sirds pēc tavas sauc
My heart is calling after yours
Miers pārī zemei slīd
Peace is gliding over the Earth
Ir beidzot viss tik skaistā līdzsvara
Finally everything is in so beautiful balance
Kaut nebeigtos tas rīt
If only it wouldn't end tomorrow
Tik daudz, kas viņai sakāms, bet kā lai paskaidro?
I have so much to tell her, but how can I explain it?
Tas notika tik sen...
It happened so long ago...
Es nezinu, vai pieņems viņa to
I don't know if she will accept it
Viņš izvairās, viņš slēpjas
He is avoiding, he is hiding
Ar seju ēnas krīt
With the face shadows are falling
Kādēļ viņš nākt uz mājām atsakās, ja valdnieks viņā mīt?
Why he refuses to come home, if the ruler lives inside him?
Mana sirds pēc tavas sauc
My heart is calling after yours
Miers pārī zemei slīd
Peace is gliding over the Earth
Ir beidzot viss tik skaistā līdzsvara
Finally everything is in so beautiful balance
Kaut nebeigtos tas rīt
If only it wouldn't end tomorrow
Mana sirds pēc tavas sauc
My heart is calling after yours
Grib tevi pasargāt
Wants to protect you
Kopā iet caur tumsu nebaidos
I'm not afraid to go together through the darkness
Ļauj man būt tev klāt
Let me be beside you
Un ja viņš jūtām vaļu ļaus
And if he will let out his feelings
Viņš par vīru kļūs
He will become a husband
Vai mūsu draugs šos džungļus pametīs
Will our friend leave these jungle
Jo tā viņš sprukās būs
That's how he'll be in trouble