愛していると いつも
Even if you always
心変わりの そのわけを
The reason you changed your heart
I want you to tell me
いまも愛している 私
I always love you
Why you make me cry?
ノム・ハムニダ ノム・ハムニダ
It's too much, it's too much
ダンシヌ ノム・ハムニダ
You're too much
まぶた閉じて あなた
If closing your eyelids
You start remembering
消すに 消せない 思い出が
The memories you can't erase
やるせなくて 泣けるけど
Though I'm helplessly moved to tears
I don't want to mourn
ノム・ハムニダ ノム・ハムニダ
It's too much, it's too much
ダンシヌ ノム・ハムニダ
You're too much
苦しみと ならんで
Side by side with the pain
あなただけが 心の
Even if only you
Are the light of my heart
Why don't you tell me
ノム・ハムニダ ノム・ハムニダ
It's too much, it's too much
ダンシヌ ノム・ハムニダ
You're too much