ひと筋入った 横丁で
On the back street where I entered intently
昭和を覗いて みませんか
Do you want to see the Showa era?
男の背中にゃ 色気(いろ)があり
In the backs of the men there's elegance
女の背中にゃ 艶がある
In the backs of the women there's charm
そんな時代が ここにある
That era is here
居酒屋「昭和」の 出会い酒
At the Showa bar there's sake of meetings
お洒落な肴は ないけれど
There are no stylish aperitifs
昭和の味なら 揃います
But Showa's flavor is present
幸い今夜は 雨模様
In this painful night there are signs of rain
飲んで行ってよ もう少し
Come to drink a little
しぶい演歌(うた)など 唄いましょう
Let's sing a bitter enka
居酒屋「昭和」の ほろり酒
At the Showa bar there's sake that moves
令和にはぐれた 路地裏に
On the back street astray from the Reiwa era
昭和の心が 灯ります
The heart of the Showa era shines
涙も嘆きも ため息も
Leave away your tears, your lamentations
恋の痛手も 捨てに来て
Your sighs and your love wounds
情けみつけに 来ませんか
Won't you come to find pity?
居酒屋「昭和」の 癒やし酒
At the Showa bar there's sake that heals