Translation of the song 미술관 artist MoonMoon



English translation

Museum (Art Gallery)

넌 어떤 그림이 좋아

Which painting do you like?

예쁘고 색깔 많은게 좋아

Do you like the prettiest and most colorful ones?

수줍게 물든 주홍색 물감에서 눈을 못떼네

Bashfully, you can't keep your eyes off the scarlet colored paints

난 이런 그림은 못봐

I don't notice this kind of painting

기분이 붕 뜬 그림은 못봐

I don't notice paintings that make me feel like I'm floating

솔직히 미술은 1도 몰라

To be honest, I don't know one thing about art

나가 있을게 더 보고와

I'll be outside, look at it more

난 늘그래 각이 많고

I always have many angles

넌 둥그래 색도 많지

And you have many round colorful ones too

좀 슬프네 예쁜 아이

The pretty child(1) who's a bit sad

나 때문에 풀이죽어

He feels down because of me

울면서 그림을 보고있네

He's looking at the painting with tears in his eyes

난 예쁜 그림이 좋아

I like pretty paintings

어둡고 아픈 그림은 못봐

I don't notice the dark and painful ones

연인을 담은 화가를 좋아해

I like stories about the lover of the artist

낭만 있잖아

It's romantic

저 나무 그림은 뭘까 왜 저렇게 아파보이는 걸까 아

Why does that painting of a tree look so painful?

우리의 시절도 아프니까

Is it because our lives hurt too?

나중에라도 여기걸자

We'll hang it up later

난 늘그래 각이 많고

I always have many angles

넌 둥그래 색도 많지

And you have many round colorful ones too

좀 슬프네 예쁜 아이

The pretty child who's a bit sad

나 때문에 서운할걸

He's hurt because of me

알면서 거리를 두고 걷네

He leaves and walks into the street with tears in his eyes

우린 어디쯤에 온 걸까

Where do we come from?

아마 붓은 알고 있을까

Maybe this paintbrush knows

계속 칠을 하고 있다면

If we keep on painting

이미 번져 번져 번져 번져

It's already spreading, spreading, spreading, spreading

지루해진 일

It's a boring day

난 늘그래 각이 많고

I always have many angles

넌 둥그래 색도 많지

And you have many round colorful ones too

좀 슬프네 예쁜 아이

The pretty child who's a bit sad

나 때문에 풀이죽어

He feels down because of me

울면서 그림을 보고있네

He's looking at the painting with tears in his eyes

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