Translation of the song S'istrada 'e sa luna artist Tazenda
S'istrada 'e sa luna
The Path of the Moon
In s'istrada 'e sa luna
In the path of the moon
bi fiat una cria
there was a little girl
cun ocros de castanza.
with hazel eyes.
In s'istrada 'e sa luna
In the path of the moon
unu raju luchiat
a bean was shining
in sinnu de isperàntzia,
as a sign of hope,
sinnu de fortuna.
sign of good luck.
E che frore de iberru
And, like a winter flower,
ermosa sa luche
beautiful was the light
chi juchiat sa pache
that was bringing peace
in chelos de ferru.
to iron skies.
In sa gherra 'e sas gherras
In the war of the wars
bi fiat unu pitzinnu,
there was a little boy
sos pilos nigheddos.
with dark hair.
In sa gherra 'e sas gherras
In the war of the wars
cantaiat un innu
he was singing a hymn
a sos malefadados,
to the unlucky ones,
a sas noas terras.
to new lands.
E che bentu, che frore
And, like a wind, like a flower,
fiat bellu su risu,
beautiful was his smile,
fiat mannu su sole
great was the sun
chi juchiat in coro.
that he had in his heart.
Bi fiat unu pitzinnu
There was a little boy
sos pilos nigheddos,
with dark hair,
ocros ispantados
astonished eyes
e in bucca unu cantu.
and, in his mouth, a song.
In coro 'e sos soldados
In the hearts of the soldiers
bi fiat una cantone,
there was a song,
l'aiat posta Deus.
God put it here.
In coro 'e sos soldados
In the hearts of the soldiers
non b'aiat rejone
there was no reason
a imbentare s'anneu
to feign sorrow,
fruttu 'e dolores mudos.
fruit of silent pains.
E che frina de mare
And, like a sea breeze,
galana sa die,
lovely is the day,
galana ses tue,
lovely are you,
columba 'e abrile.
April dove.
In coro 'e sos soldados
In the hearts of the soldiers
galana sa die,
lovely is the day,
galana ses tue,
lovely are you,
columba 'e beranu.
summer dove.
Bi fiant duos pitzinnos
There were two children
intra 'e custu sónniu,
inside this dream,
intra 'e custu contu,
inside this tale,
fiant bellos che annijos.
they were beautiful like foals.
In s'istrada 'e fortuna
In the path of good luck
bi fiant duos pitzinnos,
there were two children,
chi isperas juchiant
bringing hope
a sa luna.
to the moon.
In s'istrada 'e sa luna,
In the path of the moon
bi fiat una cria
there was a little girl
ocros de castanza.
with hazel eyes.