Translation of the song さよならべいべ artist Fujii Kaze
Goodbye Baby
来んと思った 時はすぐに来た
The time I thought would never come came so quickly.
時間てこんな 冷たかったかな
Was time always this indifferent?
余裕のない 愛の言葉
Words of love that can't be minced.
空気の読めぬ 恋の歌
This is my thick-headed love song.
My chest feels like it's about to burst.
Do something about it!
Saying goodbye is how I'll say I love you.
As for me, I really did want to stay with you forever.
But isn't parting a road that we all gotta go down at some point?
だから涙は見せずに さよならべいべ
That's why I won't show you my tears as I say goodbye to you, baby.
意地はっても すぐに崩れるし
I can try being stubborn, but I'll just give in.
見栄はっても すぐに剥がれるし
I can try putting on airs, but I could never keep it up.
飾りのない 愛の言葉
Words of love that I won't sugarcoat.
カッコの悪い 恋の歌
This is my lame little love song.
I'm just playing it for you,
wouldn't you say that's alright?
Saying goodbye is how I'll say I love you.
As for me, I really did want to stay with you forever.
But isn't parting a road that we all gotta go down at some point?
だから涙は見せずに さよならべいべ
That's why I won't show you my tears as I say goodbye to you, baby.
煩わしいから 何にも包まずにおくわ
It's a pain so I won't wrap anything for you.
紛らわしいから まっすぐな言葉にするわ
This might confuse you, so I'll just tell it to you outright.
気恥ずかしいから 置き手紙だけで許してな
This is pretty embarrassing for me, so forgive me for just leaving a letter.
もう行く時間か 最後までカッコ悪いわしじゃったな
Is it time for me to go already? I never got to stop being so lame to you.
I broke down a new door
because I can only move forward on this path that I'm taking.
泣いとる時間もないようになるけどな 今
There's no time for me to be crying about it.
But there's nobody watching now so I might as well let it out a little bit.
Saying goodbye is how I'll say I love you.
As for me, I really did want to stay with you forever.
But isn't parting a road that we all gotta go down at some point?
だから涙は見せずに さよならべいべ
That's why I won't show you my tears as I say goodbye to you. baby.
だから笑って手を振る さよならべいべ
That's why I'll smile and wave as I say goodbye to you baby.