Translation of the song Himmee Bossi artist Spekti


Himmee Bossi

English translation

Crazy boss

Iha Himmee Bossi, iha Himme Bossi, (himmee je-ee)

So crazy boss, so crazy boss (crazy yeah yeah)

Tänää vedetään haluun tuntee et me eletään.

We're gonna drink tonight wanna feel that we live

Enemmän ku elie, tää on meille!

more than yesterday, here's to us!

Niinku hoki Ossit aina tuo, viihteel kelaan et: Meitsi on Himmee Bossi!

Like the ice hockey guys there, when I'm out I think that: I'm crazy boss

Paita veks, pala esiin, nää on mun kalavesii

The shirt off, show piece, these are my fisheries

Vintit pimeeks, tilit sileeks

Lose yourself, reset your bank accounts

tänään on bileet, koska meitsi on himee bossi

we have the party today, 'cause I'm the crazy boss

Kysyt mitä kuuluu? Vastaan: elän unelmaa!,

You ask me how are you? I reply: I'm living my dream

Heitän ylefemmoi joka vastaan tulevaa

I'm giving highfives to everyone who meets me

En tiedä oonko päällikö vai ääliö, mut ainakin himmee bossi!

I don't know if I'm master or jerk, but at least I'm crazy boss

Sul on firma konkassa

You have your company in bankruptcy

tyhjää täynnä on kassa

Cash is full of nothing

Silti heilut tääl, silti sä heilut tääl

Still you're here, still you're here

Kaivinkoneet pihasta vie se pankinjohtaja

The bank's boss is taking the shovels from the yard

luuletsä et ott luuletsä et oot ihan himmee!

Do you think you are, do you think you are really crazy!

Ja sama jatkuu,

And the same goes on

Laittakaa mun laskuu,

Put it on my bill

Eihän nää massit mahu ees mun taskuun

These money aren't even going to fit in my pockets

Edelleenkin jurris eilisest

Still have a hangover from yesterday

Mut peilin ess vielkin pujottelee himmee boss!

But before the mirror is still the crazy boss

Ja vauhti kiihtyy

And the speed is accelerating

Ja kyl se niin on,

And yes it is like that

et voisin viihtyy viihteel vaik viikon

I could stay out like the whole week

Halaan poket ja mimmit,

I hug guys and girls

Oon karaoken kingi, eli himme bossi!

I'm karaoke's king alias crazy boss

Juhlimisesta ko vuosien kokemus,

I have years of experience about partying

Ja vuosien opetus,

And years' lesson

et vaikeint on se lopetus,

but the hardest part is to stop

Mutta mitä sitä miettimään, kun viel tänään, mä nään tän jutun ni et mä oon..

But why to think about it, when today I'm still seeing that I'm...

Sul on firma konkassa

You have your company in bankruptcy

tyhjää täynnä on kassa

Cash is full of nothing

Silti heilut tääl, silti sä heilut tääl

Still you're here, still you're here

Kaivinkoneet pihasta vie se pankinjohtaja

The bank's boss is taking the shovels from the yard

luuletsä et ott luuletsä et oot,

Do you think you are, do you think you are

Ihan himmee bossi,

Really crazy boss

Ihan himmee bossi,

Really crazy boss


To the distraint

pelaat lottoo

You play lotto



Ihan himmee bossi,

Really crazy boss

Ihan himmee bossi,

Really crazy boss


To the distraint

pelaat lottoo

You play lotto



Harmi vaan

It's a shame

et se on näin karmivaa

that it's so creepy

kurotella narniaan

reach out to the Narnia

Nyt oon poikki ja seis,

Now I'm tired as fuck

himas voihkimas ja kaikki kateis

At the home moaning and everyone is missing

Enkä todellakaan himmee bossi!

And totally not crazy boss!

Sul on firma konkassa

You have your company in bankruptcy

tyhjää täynnä on kassa

Cash is full of nothing

Silti heilut tääl, silti sä heilut tääl

Still you're here, still you're here

Kaivinkoneet pihasta vie se pankinjohtaja

The bank's boss is taking the shovels from the yard

luuletsä et ott luuletsä et oot,

Do you think you are, do you think you are

Ihan himmee bossi,

Really crazy boss

Ihan himmee bossi,

Really crazy boss


To the distraint

pelaat lottoo

You play lotto



Ihan himmee bossi,

Really crazy boss

Ihan himmee bossi,

Really crazy boss


To the distraint

pelaat lottoo

You play lotto



Himmee bossi!

Crazy boss!

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