Translation of the song Kad saule aiziet artist Viktors Lapčenoks
Kad saule aiziet
When the sun leaves
Kad saule no mums novērsās
When the sun turned away from us -
Pa lēnām izbalojot
Fading slowly
Mēs viens pie otra tvērāmies
We took refuge to each other
Un putni aizlidoja
And the birds flew away
Mēs palikām, mēs palikām
We stayed, we stayed
Ar tevi divatā
With you, one-on-one
Tu mīļotā, tu mīļotā
You beloved, you beloved
Tu mana vienīgā
You are my only one
Mēs palikām, mēs palikām
We stayed, we stayed
Ar tevi divatā
With you, one-on-one
Tu mīļotā, tu mīļotā
You beloved, you beloved
Tu mana vienīgā
You are my only one
Pa baltai cirtai ievīties
Some white curls are looking
Jau tavos matos lūko
For a way to wrap in your hair already
No putniem aizlidojušiem
From flown away birds
Pa kādai baltai pūkai
Some white fluffs
Jau arī manos matos sniegs
The snow is already in my hair
Un nekust it nemaz
And doesn't melt at all
Bet man kā agrāk citas nav
But I don't have the other one like before -
Par tevi labākas
Better than you
Jau arī manos matos sniegs
The snow is already in my hair
Un nekust it nemaz
And doesn't melt at all
Bet man kā agrāk citas nav
But I don't have the other one like before -
Par tevi labākas
Better than you
Gan putni atpakaļ būs drīz
I'm sure the birds will be back soon
Ar pavasara krāsām
With the colors of spring
Bet mūsu matos krāsas šīs
But in our hair these colors
Nekad vairs neielāsos
Will never soak up again
Un saulei uzsmaidīsim mēs
And we will smile at the sun
Ar skumjām neslēptām
With undisguised sadness
Tu mīļotā, tu mīļotā
You beloved, you beloved
Tu mana vienīgā
You are my only one