Translation of the song Gusta mi magla artist Vuk Mob
Gusta mi magla
The fog is dense for me
Gusta mi magla,Boze oprosti
The fog is dense for me, God forgive
U ludilu zivim,kida se meso,grizu se kosti
I live in madness, the flesh is tearing apart, the bones are biting
Gusta mi magla,ne cujem majku,ne vidim oca
The fog is dense for me, I don't hear mother, I don't see father
Zivim u mraku,najbolji prijatelj postade boca
I live in the dark, bottle became best friend
Gusta mi magla,padnala more!!
The fog is dense for me, it falls on to the see!
Slomljena ljubav,slomljeni snovi cekaju zore!
Broken love, broken dreams are waiting for the dawns!
Umorne oci pune su suza,pune su bola
Tired eyes are full of tears, full of pain
Gusta mi magla,ne vidim dalje od svoga stola
The fog is dense for me, I can't see further than my table
A gusta mi je magla,ja se raspadam
Though the fog is dense for me, I am falling apart
Sve te kurve oko mene,opet osecam se sam
All those whores around me, I still feel alone
Svaku noc sam pijan,placem sam u sobi,sramim se
I am drunk every night, I cry alone in the room, I am ashamed
Placem za detinjstvom,srecan zivot mi nedostaje
I cry for the childhood, I miss the happy life
Majka mi je bolesna,ja bezim od problema
My mother is ill, I run from problems
Mislim,ako manje mislim da ce bolje biti zena
I consider, if I think less the woman (mother) will get better
Kaze da sam prop'o slucaj,da ni za sta nisam rodjen
She says that I'm a lost case, that I'm not born for anything
Ja sam sanjar draga majko,pogresnom sam zvezdom vodjen
I am a dreamer dear mother, I'm lead by a wrong star
Nisam nazalost ko otac,mnogo slabija sam kopija
Unfortunately, I am not like my father, I am a far worse copy
Ja nikad necu biti covek,mene slava opija
I will never be a man, the glory seduces me
Ja sam robijas,moje emocije zatvor su
I am a slave, my emotions are a cage
Volim onu koju ne smem,sanjam je u zanosu
I love the one who I shouldn't, I dream of her in ecstasy
Kima mi u zatvoru,ne mogu da ga vidim
It wobbles in my cage, I can't see him
A ni jedno pismo nisam posl'o,sam se sebe stidim
Though I haven't sent even one letter, I am ashamed of myself
Trudim se da krijem emocije,ljudi sve to koriste
I try to hide my emotions, people just use them
Na kozi to osetio sam i znam da boli te
I felt it on my skin and I know it hurts you
Ja sam voleo- ona je lagala
I loved - she lied
Ja sam verovao- ona me je varala
I believed - she was cheating on me
Sanjao sam porodicu-nisam sanjao,hteo sam
I dreamt about a family - I didn't dream, I wanted
Nista nije ostalo,ni krvi nema-beo sam
Nothing remained, not even blood - I am white
Ostala su secanja,ostale su rane
Memories remained, wounds remaind
Kazem svima da sam dobro,al bol nece da mi stane
I tell everyone I'm good, but the pain won't stop
Sramota je patiti,moja cast ide pre svega
It's a shame to suffer, my honor comes before everything
Zato krecem se u noci,pogled hladniji od leda
That's why I move in the night, the gaze colder than the ice