Translation of the song HIPNOTISANA artist Vuk Mob



English translation


[Uvod: Vuk Mob]

[Introduction: Vuk Mob]

[Strofa 1: Vuk Mob]

[Stanza 1: Vuk Mob]

A čujem da te opet traže

And I hear they're looking for you again

Ne zaboravljaju tvoje tetovaže

They don't forget your tattoos

Bebo, tvoj me pogled laže

Baby, your look is lying to me

Džepovi se pune, šaržeri se prazne

Pockets filled up, cartridges empty

A ja te gledam prekoputa

And I'm looking at you from across the street

Malo se cimam, kažu da si luda

I move a little, they say you're crazy

Idemo na after, reci kuda

Let's go to an 'after party', tell me where

A znaš da vodiću te svuda

And you know I'll take you everywhere

[Refren: Uki Q, Vuk Mob]

[Chorus: Uki Q, Vuk Mob]

Gledam u tebe hipnotisana

I look at you hypnotized

Ne znam da ti kažem ne

I don't know how to say 'no' to you

Zbog tebe noćima lutam i nemirna sam

Because of you, I wander at night and I am restless

[?] ne smiruje, bebe-bebe

[?] not calming down, baby-baby

Gledam u tеbe hipnotisana

I look at you hypnotized

Ne znam da ti kažem nе

I don't know how to say no to you

Zbog tebe noćima lutam i nemirna sam

Because of you, I wander at night and I'm restless

Oči sve ti govore, je-je

Your eyes tell you everything, yes

[Post-Refren: Uki Q, Vuk Mob]

[Post-Chorus: Uki Q, Vuk Mob]

U-u-u, ne znam da ti kažem ne, bebe-bebe

Uh-huh, I don't know how to tell you no, baby-baby

U-u-u, dok nam jutro ne svane

Uh-huh, until morning dawns

[Strofa 2: Sergej Pajić]

[Verse 2: Sergej Pajić]

Iako nije mirna, ona nikad se ne preda

Although she isn't calm, she never gives up

I kad nije pored mene, nikome se ne da

And when he's not next to me, nobody gives up

Jednim dodirom me diže visoko do neba

With one touch it lifts me high to the sky

S tobom level iznad, bebe, nikom tebe ne dam

With you it's a level above, baby, I won't give you to anyone

Nema me, kada noću lutaš, bebe, trebam te

I'm gone, when you wander at night, baby, I need you

Dosta njih me želi, zato (Ne daj me)

A lot of them want me (so don't give me)

Za druge ne znam, ali, bebe, znam sebe

I don’t know about others, but, baby, I know myself

Stavljam sve na rizik, ali tu sam za tebe

I put everything at risk, but I'm here for you

[Refren: Uki Q, Vuk Mob]

[Chorus: Uki Q, Vuk Mob]

Gledam u tebe hipnotisana

I look at you hypnotized

Ne znam da ti kažem ne

I don't know how to say 'no' to you

Zbog tebe noćima lutam i nemirna sam

Because of you, I wander at night and I am restless

[?] ne smiruje, bebe-bebe

[?] not calming down, baby-baby

Gledam u tebe hipnotisana

I look at you hypnotized

Ne znam da ti kažem ne

I don't know how to say no to you

Zbog tebe noćima lutam i nemirna sam

Because of you, I wander at night and I'm restless

Oči sve ti govore, je-je

Your eyes tell you everything, yes

[Post-Refren: Uki Q, Vuk Mob]

[Post-Chorus: Uki Q, Vuk Mob]

U-u-u, ne znam da ti kažem ne, bebe-bebe

Uh-huh, I don't know how to tell you no, baby-baby

U-u-u, dok nam jutro ne svane

Uh-huh, until morning dawns

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