Translation of the song Flor Na Paul artist Cesária Évora
Flor Na Paul
Flower in Paúl
Um valsa pa' nha vozinha
A waltz for my grandmother
Na lembrança de sê mocidade
In remembrance of her youth
Naquel one de 1915
That year 1915
Num casamente na Paul
A wedding at Paúl1
B'stide de renda lenço e tchapeu
Lace dress, scarf and hat
Naquel salâo ta rodea' ta rodea'
She danced, danced in that hall
Rapariga nova cheio de virtude
Young girl, full of virtue
Um valsa pa' nha vozinha
A waltz for my grandmother
Na lembrança daquel romance
In memory of that romance
Qu'el vivê na sê primavera
She lived in his youth
Flor quel era na Paul
She was a flower at the Paul
Frescor dum note di sê ilha
Freshness of a night on his island
Perfumade d'alecrim e jasmim
Perfumed with rosemary and jasmine
Acolhê sê primeiro bejo
Welcomed her first kiss
Valsa' Bâbêl
Waltz Bêbêl!2
Bô mocidade 'm ta' revivê
Relive your youth
Valsa' Bêbêl
Waltz Bêbêl!
Na nha memoria bô ta' vivê
You live in my memory