Translation of the song Ingrata artist Cesária Évora
Oh mar, oh mar, oh menina
Oh sea, oh sea, oh girl
Dexam tchorá
Let me cry
Sodade di bo m´crêtcheu
I miss you, my beloved
Quêl ingrata que bai que dixâm
That ungrateful one, let her go and leave me alone
Que dixâm co sodade na coraçon
That leaves my heart with yearning
Ma m'tem fé! Ma inda el ta volta
I'll keep the faith! She will return
Até um dia si deus quiser!
Until one day if it's God's will!
Um dia molha o florzinha
One day I'll see the little flower
Que bai volver
And it will return
Dam um consolo
To give me comfort
na nha vida
in my life