Translation of the song Nutridinha artist Cesária Évora
Chubby little girl
Olá ta bem quel menininha
Here comes this young girl
Co sê corpim nutridinha
With her chubby little body
Trá oi del ca bô espial
But you shouldn't look at her too much
Pa mô sê mãe ca ba sotal
Otherwise her mother will punish her
O que el sinti el ê que buscal
She deserves what she's getting
Ca bô estôd ta inguiçal
You shouldn't bother her
Pa mô já el entrá na idade
Because she is old enough
Agore ê sô maternidade
Motherhood is round the corner
Es menininha d'hoje em dia
These young girls today
Ca ta sinti cobardia
Don't fear anything
Bô ta fazês coladêra
Someone composed a coladêra for them
Es t'mal na brincadéra
And they just don't care, they joke about it