Dobro jutro, ca se ne javiješ?
Good morning, why don't you say hi?
Dobro jutro, ca se ne javiješ?
Good morning, why don't you say hi?
Dobro jutro, ca se ne javiješ?
Good morning, why don't you say hi?
Oli boju od mene uziješ?
Are you marrying a girl that's better than me?
Niti boju, niti bogatiju,
Neither better nor a richer girl
niti boju, niti bogatiju,
Neither better nor a richer girl
niti boju, niti bogatiju,
Neither better nor a richer girl
niti mome srcu ugodniju.
Nor a girl that's more pleasant to my heart
Moj dragane, o javora drvo,
Oh, my darling, my maple tree
moj dragane, o javora drvo,
Oh, my darling, my maple tree
moj dragane, o javora drvo,
Oh, my darling, my maple tree
ca me nisi ostavija prvo?
Why didn't you leave me before?
Nego si me ostavija sada,
But you've left me now
nego si me ostavija sada,
But you've left me now
nego si me ostavija sada,
But you've left me now
kad ja višje nisan cura mlada.
Now that I'm not a young girl anymore