Rodil sem se vu najlepšem raju,
I was born in the most beautiful of paradises,
v Podravini, vu najlepšem kraju.
In the Drava valley, the most beautiful of places.
Na svetog Jožefa tu na Dravi,
At St. Joseph here on the Drava,
tamburu mi odma v ruke dali.
A tambura was immediately placed in my hands.
Stari japa navek znal je reći
My old father always used to say,
s tamburom se nemre gruntek steći.
A tambura can't give you property.
S tamburom sem celi svet obišel,
With the tambura I have gone through the whole world,
s Podravine zbog nje sem otišel.
It had made me leave the Drava valley.
Vrnul se bum makar v lesu,
I'll come back there, even in a coffin,
il nek Dravu sim donesu.
Or let them bring the Drava here to me.
Z dravskim peskom me pokrijte,
With Drava sand cover me,
z dravskom vodom poškropite.
The Drava's water sprinkle over me. (x2)
Igral sem, i igral bum do smrti,
I have played, and I will play to the death,
tu navadu ne bum dal zatrti.
That practice I won't let go away
Mesto krvi srcem Drava teče,
Instead of blood the Drava flows in my heart,
se me više ona k sebi vleče.
Every time it draws me closer.
Grunta nemam, imam tamburaše,
Property I haven't got, I have the tambura players,
srce puno Podravine naše.
A heart full of our Drava valley.
Brza Drava se me više vleče,
The rapid Drava attracts me ever more,
jer u meni krv podravska teče.
Because my blood is from the Drava valley.
Z dravskim peskom me pokrijte,
I'll come back there, even in a coffin,
z dravskom vodom poškropite.
Or let them bring the Drava here to me.