Translation of the song Bomba artist Mile Kitić
Sram,sram te bilo
Shame, shame on you
rekla mi je odmah s vrata.
she told me right at the door.
Sram te bilo
Shame on you
možeš da mi budeš tata.
you could be my father.
Bolje idi kupi s mesta
Better go right away to buy
a mirror, a mirror.
Znam sve u vodu pašće
I know everything what she said
što je ona rekla
will fall into water
Neće znati kome,
She won't know to who,
i šta se zarekla.
and what she swore
Kad se sve kontroli bude otelo,i gotovo,
When everything spins out of control, it's over,
kada explodira od mojih dodira.
when my touches make her explode.
Bomba,bomba mala bomba
Bomb, bomb the little bomb
hoće samnom sve da proba.
she wants to try everything with me.
Pamtit će me mala bomba
She will remember me, the small bomb
puna dima biće njena soba.
filled with smoke her room will be.
Bomba,bomba mala bomba
Bomb, bomb, small bomb
hoće samnom sve da proba.
she want to try everything with me.
Bomba,bomba biće tajac
Bomb, bomb there will be silence
kad je sredi ovaj specijalac.
when this specialist get's his hands on her.
Sram,sram te bilo
Shame, shame on you
rekla mi je odmah s vrata.
she told me right at the door.
Beži tamo
Get lost
možeš da mi budeš tata.
you could be my father.
Ruke sebi šta ti je to
Keep your hands to yourself, did you need this
need this.
Znam sve u vodu pašće
I know everything will fall into water
noći ove.
this night.
Neće znati
She won't know
ko je i kako se zove.
who she is a what her name is.
Ono pravo kada bude počelo gotovo
When the real thing starts, it's over
kada explodira od mojih dodira.
when my touches make her explode.