Mislio sam da je ljubav
I thought love is
čaša sreće, mjesto bola
a glass of happiness, instead of pain
da je pijem sve do kraja
I need to finish it
i da bude samo moja
so she could be all mine
Iz te čaše svi su pili
Everybody was drinking from that glass
i željeli sto ja sada
wishing what I'm wish now
istu pjesmu, jednu ženu
the same song, one women
željeli su mnogi tada
many wished then
Volio sam jednu ženu
I loved one women
koju danas mnogi vole
that many love today
i vinom se sada tješim
and with wine I'm comforting myself
da me rane ne zabole
so my wounds won't hurt
Ponekad se sjetim svega
Sometimes I remember everything
tad u prošlost misli hrle
then my thoughts run back to the past
da bez srca rodila se
that she was born without a heart
kad je ljudi mnogi grle
when she is in the arms of many people