Bio sam stena, nijedna žena
I was like a rock, no women
Nije me mogla slomiti
could break me
Prošlo je sve to i šta ću eto
It's all over and what I'm gonna do ?
Zaljubih do besvesti
I'm falling in love with crap.
Hajde, hajdemo, hajdemo
Come on, let's go, let's go
Hajde, hajde sa mnom na kraj sveta
Come on, come with me to the end of the world
Hajde, hajde ne pravi se lud
Come on, let's not play dumb
Kad nemaš kud
When you have nowhere.
Teško meni, ljubav ova
For me that love is heavy.
Kazanova zbog nje umro je
Kazanova died becaus like her.
Nisam više onaj stari
I am not that old
Hej, drugari, volim je
Hey, friends, I love her.
Teško meni, e, moj brate
It's hard for me, my brother
Jednom kad te strela pogodi
Once when the arrow strikes you
Može samo da se preda
The wounded lion can only surrender
Da je gleda lav ranjeni
and to look at her.
Ibica, Bali, Gucci, Cavalli
Ibiza, Bali, Gucci, Cavalli
Nige bez nje i bez poklona
To where without her and without gifts?
Ona ne štedi, ali i vredi
It doesn't save, but it's worth it
Pa kupuj kume dva prstena
so buy 2 rings.
Hajde, hajdemo, hajdemo
Come on, let's go, let's go
Hajde, hajde sa mnom na kraj sveta
Come on, come with me to the end of the world
Hajde, hajde ne pravi se lud
Come on, let's not play dumb
Kad nemaš kud
When you have nowhere.
Teško meni, ljubav ova
For me that love is heavy.
Kazanova zbog nje umro je
Kazanova died becaus like her.
Nisam više onaj stari
I am not that old
Hej, drugari, volim je
Hey, friends, I love her.
Teško meni, e, moj brate
It's hard for me, my brother
Jednom kad te strela pogodi
Once when the arrow strikes you
Može samo da se preda
The wounded lion can only surrender
Da je gleda lav ranjeni
and to look at her.
Teško meni, e, moj brate
It's hard for me, my brother
Jednom kad te strela pogodi
Once when the arrow strikes you
Može samo da se preda
The wounded lion can only surrender
Da je gleda lav ranjeni
and to look at her.