Translation of the song Ne daj Bože Remix artist Mile Kitić
Ne daj Bože Remix
Let God forbid
Na ove ruke
On those hands of mine
Nek okove mi stave
Let chains be placed
Nek vode me i bace iza brave
Let them lead me behind bars
U samicu
In the solitary confinement cell
U tamnicu tuge
in the dungeon of grief
Tražim spas
I'm searching for help
tražim spas
I'm searching for help
Puklo je pravo posred srca
Shot straight thru the heart
Znala je tačno gde da puca
She knew exactly where to hit
Da me rani ostavi
to scar me
Da trunem
make me rot
Tražim spas
I'm searching for help
tražim spas
I'm searching for help
Ne daj Bože
Let God forbid
Ne daj ne
Don't give me any
Nigde nikad nikome
Never in any location
Da od gada nastrada
Damn it, it's from that bastard
Ne daj Bože nikada
Let God forbid you to ever
Da mi se ne ponovi
Don't let this happen again
Spasite me drugovi
Save me my friends
Nju od mene sklonite
Get her away from me
A mene zatvorite
And lock me up
On m'met la tête dans l'sable
They put my head in the sand
quand j'essaie d'm'élever
when I try to rise higher
J'entends le daron m'dire :
I hear my father tell me
Ouais, t'as ça dans les veines
yes, you have that in the veins
Mon petit, j'le vois quand tu montes sur la scène
My little one, I see it when you get up on stage
Et, pendant tout c'temps-là,
And, during all this time,
mes lunettes cachent mes cernes
my glasses hide the wrinkles under my eyes
À vrai dire, j'observe depuis toujours
To tell the truth, I've always noticed
J'apprends quand tu tousses
I learn as you cough
J'entends, mais je fais le sourd
I hear, but I play deaf
Ja znam da moram sam (moram sam)
I know I must be alone (be alone)
Ja znam da moram sam
I know I must be alone
Kako umem i kako znam
For I know how to and for I know
Pa nek živim kao pas
Yet I may live like a dog
Tražim spas
I'm searching for help
Ne daj Bože
Let God forbid
Ne daj ne
Don't give me any
Nigde nikad nikome
Never in any location
Da od gada nastrada
Damn it, it's from that bastard
Ne daj Bože nikada
Let God forbid you to ever
Da mi se ne ponovi
Don't let this happen again
Spasite me drugovi
Save me my friends
Nju od mene sklonite
Get her away from me
A mene zatvorite
And lock me up
Ne daj Bože
Let God forbid
Ne daj ne
Don't give me any
Nigde nikad nikome
Never in any location
Da od gada nastrada
Damn it, it's from that bastard
Ne daj Bože nikada
Let God forbid you to ever
Da mi se ne ponovi
Don't let this happen again
Spasite me drugovi
Save me my friends
Nju od mene sklonite
Get her away from me
A mene zatvorite
And lock me up