Sjećaš li se te jesenje noći
Do you remember that autumn night,
kada smo se tužno pozdravili
when we said our sad goodbye.
pričali smo o svemu pomalo
We talked a bit about everything,
i za tvoju sreću nazdravili.
and made a toast to your happiness.
Oboje smo plakali na kraju
We both cried in the end
dok si bila u mom zagrljaju
While you were in my arms,
u duši smo pomirenje htjeli
Deep down we wanted reconciliation,
al se nismo nikad više sreli.
But we never met again.
Sjedili smo kraj toplog kamina
We sat by the warm fireplace,
sjećali se na protekle dane
reminiscing about days gone by,
biješe lijepo i tebi i meni
It was pleasant for both you and me,
a sad sreću zamjeniše rane.
but now our happiness has been replaced by wounds.
Pamtiću te po očima plavim
I'll remember you by your blue eyes,
rekla si mi ono isto veče
You told me that very night,
čak ti suze koje su padale
That the tears that were falling,
nisu mogle rastanak da spriječe.
Couldn't prevent our parting.