Translation of the song Paklene godine artist Mile Kitić
Paklene godine
Hellish Years
Zbog njega nisi se udala
Because of him you didn't get married,
A bolje prilike si imala
even though you had better suitors than him.
Svi su govorili da si dno
Everybody said that you were the lowest of the low,
A ti si mislila to je to
and you just accepted it.
Sjeti se uvreda i modrica
Remember the insults and bruises
koje si puderom pokrivala
that you covered with foundation.
Zato mu suze naplati,
So make him pay for all the tears,
sve nek ti s kamatom vrati
let him pay you everything plus interest.
Po dzepu mala lupi ga
Hit him in his pocket (wallet)
Jedino to boli ga.
because only that can truly hurt him.
Zato mu suze naplati,
So make him pay for all the tears,
sve nek ti s kamatom vrati
let him pay you everything plus interest.
Uzmi mu kucu, kola, sve
Take his house, car, everything,
za sve te paklene godine.
for all of those hellish years.
Samo seti se noci te
Just remember that night
Kad u tebi je puklo sve
when something inside of you snapped
Pa si htela da se otrujes
and you wanted to poison yourself,
Pokusala da se ubijes
tried to kill yourself.
Na sebe uzela si jad,pad i grehove
You took grief, your downfall and his sins upon yourself,
Polako navukla na lekove
you slowly got addicted to prescription medication.
Tvoji su te se odrekli
Your family disowned you
i s tobom veze sve presekli
and broke off all contact with you.
Zivot u ruke uzmi
Take your life into you own hands,
I smesta nesto preduzmi
and immediately take something
Jer zivot je surov znaj
because life is cruel, you know.
Il si katran il zlata sjaj
You're either like tar or shine like gold.
Zbog njega djecu nisi imala
Because of him you didn't have children,
Da svoje oci vidis da se nasmejes
to see your eyes in another and smile.
On nije hteo to sada vise
He didn't want that
Sada mozda vise i ne mozes
now you might not be able anymore.
Bila si mlada zaljubljena snena
You were young, in love, dreamy.
Na kraju krajeva samo si zena
In the end you're only a woman
I za sve si mu ti bila kriva
and he blamed you for everything.
A jedva kraj njega da si ostala ziva
You barely stayed alive beside him,
On to nikad nije mogao da svati
He could never understand that
Zato mu sada sve naplati
so now make him pay for all of it.