Translation of the song قهوة شمالية artist Nabeel Shuail


قهوة شمالية

English translation

Northern coffee

يحبون العرب قهوة شمالية

Arabs love Northern coffee

تقند راسهم والبُن يسنّعها

which comfort their mind and the coffee beans enhance it.

وقهوة كيفي اللي فيك مغليه

And my gorgeous coffee it's boiling with you

بنار الحب واتمنى تولعها

In your fire of love and it's glowing and burns.

احبك حب وقسمها هجائيه

I love you, adore you and I divide it alphabetically

ا ح ب ك اكتب واسمعها

I. L.O.V.E Y.O.U 1. Write it down and Hear it

انا حطيت لك بالقلب اهميه

I gave you importance and concern in my heart.

مشاعر صفحتي مابي تقطعها

My feelings page, please do not tear it off.

تبيني لك في نسبة كم بالميه

How much you want me near you? How many in percentage rate?

على كيفك نسب حبي توزعها

On your love desired rate you distribute it.

انا المخلوق والمعشوق و مافيه

I am the creature and adored, and my hands are tied.

اصب فنجال وعينك ما اطالعها

I pour the cup of coffee, and I can't see your eyes.

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