Translation of the song Rakija artist Mile Kitić
Bio sam ja normalan
I was normal
znao šta je dobro, a šta zlo
he knew what was good, and what the evil was
ti si me u haos bacila
You threw me into chaos
sada više nisam, siguran u to
Now I'm no longer sure of that
Za druge znaj u srcu mom sad nema mesta
For the other knowing in my heart, there is no place now
uzalud teše majka, brat i sestra
In vain, mother, brother and sister are in vain
Sad ja nisam ja, već pozdrav sa dna
Now I'm not, but a greeting from the bottom
sad sam pola čovek, a pola rakija
Now I'm half man and half brandy
sad ja nisam ja, a sutra ko zna
now I am not, and tomorrow who knows
ni pola od čoveka, već samo rakija
Not half of a man, but just brandy
Bio sam ti ja dovoljan
I've been enough for you
za ljubav za život, za sve
for love for life, for everything
sad u to nisam siguran
now I'm not sure of that
osećam od sebe teraš me
I feel the teras myself
Za druge znaj u srcu mom sad nema mesta
For the other knowing in my heart, there is no place now
uzalud teše majka, brat i sestra
In vain, mother, brother and sister are in vain
Sad ja nisam ja, već pozdrav sa dna
Now I'm not, but a greeting from the bottom
sad sam pola čovek, a pola rakija
Now I'm half man and half brandy
sad ja nisam ja, a sutra ko zna
now I am not, and tomorrow who knows
ni pola od čoveka, već samo rakija
Not half of a man, but just brandy
Za jedan dan, i noći dve
For one day, and two nights
to samo mala, mala večnost je
It's just a little, it's a little eternity
to moraš da zaboraviš
You have to forget that
i neku drugu ko mene zavoliš
and someone else who caught me
Za druge znaj u srcu mom sad nema mesta
For the other knowing in my heart, there is no place now
uzalud tese majka, brat i sestra
In vain, mother, brother and sister are in vain
Sad ja nisam ja, već pozdrav sa dna
Now I'm not, but a greeting from the bottom
sad sam pola čovek, a pola rakija
Now I'm half man and half brandy
sad ja nisam ja, a sutra ko zna
now I am not, and tomorrow who knows
ni pola od čoveka, već samo rakija
Not half of a man, but just brandy